Gothic Reflections - Ashley Skinny

- Категория: Научные и научно-популярные книги / Обществознание
- Автор: Ashley Skinny
- Страниц: 1
- Добавлено: 2022-08-22 13:01:01
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Прочтите описание перед тем, как прочитать онлайн книгу «Gothic Reflections - Ashley Skinny» бесплатно полную версию:Timeless gothic reflections, comprehended by time. Somewhat phantasmagoric existentialism.
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Ashley Skinny
Gothic Reflections
'Very smart people are distrusted, if other see them embarrassed' -
Friedrich Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft.
Our subcultures are dead, and literally were always dead. The biggest percent of supporters of this movement are young people. And talking about ‘new era’ young people, the situation is finally got the bottom (actually broke through the bottom). These actions in support for different subcultures, like punks, skinheads, ‘rasta’ etc. are only the way to show that you do at least some activity, albeit meaningless. The way to feed up your need to be not like others and to be like others.
And when it will die, when they will turn into ‘intelligent’ people, it will be only another metamorphose of another meaningless ‘subculture’…
Game in association with life is all that metamodern people of 21st century know.
Senses of science and art can be explained on the example of house and apartaments. The structure we live in, an outer part (a box), is science. It was built according to physics, geometry and stereometry. But the 'mind' of this building is inside (spiritual world), in apartamnets. Paintings, books, objects of aesthetic admiration – creatures of art.
Our body, our physical shell obeys the laws of science, when our mind, reflections, spirit and soul entirely belong to an art.
Russian people are the most gothic nation. Their habits, their ways of solving the problems, concepts of familiar things and worldwiev are the strangest things with incredibly practical and successful applications (and there is the lion`s share of strangeness of these things).
The way russians find the exits in critical and seemingly insoluble situations, while europeans, americans, germans, english discouraged, is incredible and unbelievable. The way they notice the smallest and tinies details in different and dissimilar things, while french can`t notice their love to their pseudo-revolutions is stunning.
But how russians want to believe in something, believe in lies and cover themselves in ill-argued things is strange, phantasmagorically and sad. They love endless and monotonous, rotten and slimy tales and yellow talks about next day. And they actually had expirience, which showed that they will have the same opportunities, scopes and living conditions next day. But they keep listening.
Legitimacy, unjustified (only towards those like them) naivete and plebeianism (greed) – huge, enormous wall between russian people and the highest stage of revolution.
Three bright manifestations of plebeanism in humanity are greed, envy and hierarchical values (wealth, rank, property). The worms, who are endlessly crawling in the cultivated land of great creators. Them are not a proletariat (not on your nelly) – them are consumers.
Consumers are one of the most important part of culture, science and art. But them are not a part of society and doers. That might be scary.
Metaphysics – an excellent tool for reverent, pleasant transmission of any philosophy. By it`s own, it is ideal shell with a comfortable and free system of philosophical deeds.
At present, this philosophical doctrine is not such at all; metaphysics serves only for the convenience of comprehension and formulating reflections. A sort of sweet fruit, after eating which you will remain full and feel a bit luscious, but still pleasant taste. Perfect for any dreamer and somewhat abstract shell.
Philosophy works – an art. Writer is an artist.
Like an art, philosophy is doomed to be an abstarct reflection, despite the logical prerequisites. Our thoughts and worldview don`t pretend on verity, how sensible and intelligent it wouldn`t be.
At the heart of philosophy lie not so much competent expounded and logical thoughts, as action and compliance with your worldview.
Why people are scared of new results and terms of existencialism? They afraid (infernally don`t want) to take leave of the remnants of the past, because new and more confident statements run counter to their antiquity. Frameworks, invested in cage – an ideal living conditions for such creatures.
The sense of exsisting exisists only for humanity. All the revolutions and creations, belonging to man, have no attitude to sense at all. The enviroment, space and time are only the conditions; things, that can be discarded as useless in higher than universal scale.
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