Ed Ed - My Naughty Little Sister.

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Ed Ed - My Naughty Little Sister.

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Ed Ed - My Naughty Little Sister. краткое содержание

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Книга для чтения в IV классе школ с преподаванием ряда предметов на английском языке.Адаптация, примечания и словарь И. А. Моревой.Издание 3-е доработанное.Москва. “Просвещение” 1984

Ed Ed - My Naughty Little Sister. читать онлайн бесплатно

Ed Ed - My Naughty Little Sister. - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Ed Ed

My Naughty Little Sister.

I. We Go Fishing

I am an English girl. My name is Mary Brown. When I was a little girl, I had a little sister. She was smaller than I. And she was very naughty.

I want to tell you some stories about my naughty little sister. Here is the first story.

One day, when my little sister was four year old, some children came to our house. They all had fishing-nets.

"Mary, let's go fishing1," they said to me.

"May I go fishing?" I asked my mother.

"Yes, you may," said my mother.

And she gave me a fishing-net, some bread and butter and a bottle of milk.

Then my naughty little sister said:

"I want to go! I want to go, too!"

"You may go, Nancy," said my mother to my little sister. "But you can't catch fish. You must not go into the water."

So she did not give my sister a fishing-net. But my sister liked to pick up little stones, and my mother gave her a little bag to put them in. Then she gave her some bread and butter and a little bottle of milk and a big apple, too.

"Nancy must not go into the water. You must look after2 her," my mother said to me.

"All right, Mother," I said.

We went to the little river. Then my friends and I took off our shoes and socks and went into the water to fish with our fishing-nets. It was summer, and the water was warm.

"You must not go into the water," I said to my sister. "Don't take off your shoes and socks. You can't fish. Pick stones and put them into your bag."

We fished and fished, but we did not catch any fish. Then one boy said:

"Look, your sister is in the water."

We saw my naughty little sister in the water with her shoes and socks on.

"Get out of the water3!" I said.

"No," said my naughty little sister.

I wanted to catch her, but she ran away and fell down in the water. Her dress was wet, her hair was wet, and her shoes and socks were wet, too.

We pulled her out of the water.

"She may catch cold4," said the children.

"Go and sit in the sun!" they said to her.

We took off her wet things and put them all on the grass to dry. My sister began to cry.

We gave her some bread and butter, and she ate it all up5. She ate up all her bread and butter and all my bread and butter. She drank her milk and my milk, too. Then she ate her apple.

When her dress and her shoes and socks were dry6, she put them on and we went home.

"Your sister was in the water," said my mother.

"How did you guess, Mother," I said. "We dried all her things."

"Yes, you dried them, but you did not iron them."

At supper I did not get any cake. Mother said:

"Only bread and butter for you. You did not look after your sister very well."

So I got only bread and butter.

My sister went to bed, and my mother gave her some hot milk.

But do you know what my mother found in the little bag?

She found a fish! Yes, a little fish!

"Look!" said my mother. "Your little sister caught a fish with her little bag."

II. My Naughty Little Sister Is Ill

My little sister liked to talk. She talked to everybody. She talked to the people who came to our house. She talked to the people in the street and in the shops. She talked to her friend the postman. Everybody liked to talk to my little sister. She was very funny.

One day my little sister fell ill7.

"I am ill," she said.

"You must stay in bed," said my mother, "and I shall call the doctor8."

"No doctor! Bad doctor! I don't like the doctor!" said my naughty little sister.

"The doctor is a nice man. He will make you well again9," I said to Nancy.

My mother gave Nancy a cup of hot milk. She gave her a doll and her best books. But my little sister did not want to play with her toys. She did not want to look at the pictures in her books.

"I am ill today," she said. Her friend the postman came to see her. He gave her a big red apple, a pencil and a little notebook, and he gave my mother a letter.

"I am ill," said my little sister to the postman. "I must stay in bed and drink hot milk and look at the pictures in my books. I don't like to stay in bed. I don't want the doctor! Bad doctor!"

"Good doctor! He will make you well again," said the postman. "You will soon play in the room and then in the garden."

In the afternoon my father came home. He saw my little sister in bed.

"Why are you in bed?" asked my father.

"I am ill," said my little sister. "I must stay in bed and drink hot milk and look at the pictures in my books."

"Soon the doctor will come, and he will make you well again," said Father.

"No doctor! Bad doctor! I don't like the doctor!"

"The doctor has a little black bag," said Father. "He has many interesting things in his bag."

"What things?" asked my little sister.

"I can't tell you. But you will see them when the doctor comes."

Now my little sister did not say Bad doctor!

When my mother came into the room with the doctor, Nancy said:

"Hullo, Doctor! Where is your bag? Show me the interesting things in your bag, please!" She did not forget to say please.

"Hullo, little girl!" said the doctor. "Here is my bag, and here are the things in my bag. Are they interesting?"

My little sister looked at the doctor's black bag. She looked at all the things in the bag. She opened her mouth and did all that the doctor told her to do.

Then he said: "That's all, little girl. Good-bye. You will soon be well again. Your mother will give you some medicine. You will take it three times a day10 like a good little girl. Are you a good little girl?"

"Oh, yes, Doctor, I am a very good girl," said my naughty little sister. "Please come again tomorrow. I want to see the things in your bag again."

But the doctor didn't come again, because Nancy took the medicine11 and was soon well again12.

III. My Naughty Little Sister Makes a Bottle-Tree13

One day my little sister got up very early. My mother was in the kitchen. She wanted to make breakfast for the family, and she did not see that my little sister was not in her bed.

My naughty little sister went to the shed and took a little spade. Then she went to the garden. It was autumn. There were many red and yellow leaves in the garden. There were many pretty flowers in the garden, too. My little sister went to the flowerbed.

But she did not look at the beautiful flowers, which my father liked to plant. She trampled the flowers under her feet and made a hole in the flowerbed.

Do you know why my little sister made the hole in the flowerbed? She wanted to plant an acorn. She had a nice brown acorn in her hand. So she made a hole in the flowerbed and put the acorn in the hole. Then she put a short stick near it.

Do you know why she did that?

She wanted to know the place where the acorn was. She was a clever little girl, wasn't she?14

My little sister went to this place after breakfast and before dinner and after dinner. She took the acorn out and then she put it back again.

Do you know why she took the acorn out? She wanted to see it grow15.

In the evening Father came home and he saw his flowers. He was very angry16.

"You bad, bad girl," said my father. "Why did you trample my flowers?"

"I did not want to trample your flowers. I wanted to plant my acorn. I wanted to see it grow." And my little sister began to cry.

"Your acorn won't grow if you take it out," said my father. "Give it to me."

Father took a bottle, put some water in it and then put the acorn into it.

"Now you can see it grow," said Father.

My little sister put the bottle with the acorn at the window. She looked at it all the time, but it did not grow. She put the bottle near her bed and looked at it in the morning and in the evening. But it did not grow.

"Put the bottle at the window and go and play with your doll," said my mother.

My little sister put the bottle at the window and went to play with her doll. Soon she forgot about her bottle.

One day she looked at the bottle and saw a little green shoot.

"I see a little green shoot," cried my sister.

She was very glad and showed her bottle-tree to everybody.

"Now we can plant the acorn," said my father.

He went to the shed, took the spade and planted the acorn near our house.

The bottle-tree grew and grew, and now it is a big tree, bigger than my sister who is also big now.

IV. My Pretty Doll

When I was a little girl, I had a new doll. Its face was pretty, its eyes were pretty, its dress was pretty, too. My doll could open and close its eyes and say Ma-ma.

I did not play with my doll. I was afraid to break it17. The doll was in a box, and the box was in the wardrobe in my mother's room. When I wanted to see my new doll, my mother took the box out of the wardrobe and showed it to me. I looked at it for some time, and then my mother put it in the box again.

My little sister had a doll, too. Her doll was not new, and it was not pretty. It was old and dirty. It had only one eye, and it had no hair. Its dress was not pretty. My little sister liked her doll very much. She took it to the garden and to the yard. She put it on the floor and on the grass. And when she went to bed, she took her doll with her.

One morning my mother was in the kitchen. She wanted to make breakfast for the family, and she asked me:

"Mary! Do you know where your little sister is?"

"No, I don't," I said.

"Then go and look for her18," said my mother. "Breakfast is ready."

I went to look for my little sister. I looked in the yard. She was not there. I looked in the shed. She was not there. I looked in the garden. She was not there. Then I came back into the house.

Suddenly I heard a noise in my mother's room. I opened the door and looked in.

The wardrobe was open19, and my doll's box was on the floor. It was open, too, but the doll was not there. Then I saw my naughty little sister with my doll in her hands.

"Put the doll into the box," I said.

"No, I don't want to," said my little sister.

"It's my doll! Give it to me!" I said.

But my naughty little sister did not want to give me my doll. I wanted to take the doll away from her. I pulled, and she pulled, too. And the doll fell to the floor. I picked it up and looked at it. Its pretty face was broken20.

I took my doll in my hands, and it did not say Ma-ma. I began to cry, and my naughty little -sister began to cry, too.

Our mother came into the room.

"Don't cry. We shall take the doll to the dolls' doctor, and he will make it well again," she said.

And do you know what my mother did?

She took my doll to the dolls' doctor, and she took my little sister's doll to the dolls' doctor, too.

One day our mother came home and gave us our dolls.

My doll had a pretty face and hair. It could open and close its eyes and say Ma-ma.

My little sister's doll was pretty, too. It had a pretty nose and pretty eyes and hair, and it could say Ma-ma. Its dress was pretty, too.

But my naughty little sister did not like her new doll. She did not take it to the yard or to the garden. She did not put it on the floor or on the grass. She put it into a box and did not take it out again.

V. My Naughty Little Sister Cuts Out Pictures

One autumn when I was a little girl and my sister was a very little girl, it rained and rained. It was October. It was very cold, and it rained every day. When we went out, we put on our raincoats.

But my little sister liked to walk in the water. One day she walked in the water, and her feet got wet21. So she caught a bad cold22, and she had red eyes.

"You can't go out," said my mother. "You must stay at home and be a good girl."

But my sister did not like that.

"I want to go out in the rain! I want to go out!"

"Look at the pictures in your book," said my mother.

"I don't want to! I want to go out in the rain!"

My little sister was very naughty.

Then my mother said:

"I shall give you my scissors, and you can cut out pictures."

My mother gave her some old books and the scissors, and my little sister began to cut out pictures. She cut out a dog and a cat, and a brown bear and a red fox. She cut out some flowers and many other pictures.

Then she saw a big box on a chair. She opened the box and saw a beautiful dress with pretty blue flowers on it. My naughty little sister wanted to cut out only one flower. She did so. She liked it and began to cut out many flowers.

Suddenly my mother came in. She was very angry.

"You are a bad, bad girl," she said. "That was my best dress. I shall not give you the scissors again."

And she didn't.

VI. We Go to the Zoo

One day my little sister did not want to eat her breakfast. My mother gave her an egg, some bread and butter and a big cup of milk for breakfast. But she did not want to eat.

"Eat your egg!" said my mother.

"I don't want to. Bad egg!"

"Then you will not go to the Zoo on Sunday!" said my mother.

And my little sister began to eat. She ate her egg and some bread and butter, she drank her cup of milk, too. She wanted to go to the Zoo very much.

On Sunday we put on our best dresses and white socks and white shoes and went to the Zoo. We went there with our cousin Jane. She was a big girl. She was sixteen. We took a bus23, and soon we were at the Zoo. It was very interesting there.

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