Хью Джон Лофтинг - The Story of Dr Dolittle / История доктора Дулиттла. 5 класс

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Хью Джон Лофтинг - The Story of Dr Dolittle / История доктора Дулиттла. 5 класс

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Хью Джон Лофтинг - The Story of Dr Dolittle / История доктора Дулиттла. 5 класс краткое содержание

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Одна из самых известных в мире детских книг – «История доктора Дулиттла», была создана английским писателем вскоре после окончания Первой мировой войны. Родилась эта сказочная повесть из фронтовых писем автора своим детям, в которых он рассказывал о добром докторе.

Хью Джон Лофтинг - The Story of Dr Dolittle / История доктора Дулиттла. 5 класс читать онлайн бесплатно

Хью Джон Лофтинг - The Story of Dr Dolittle / История доктора Дулиттла. 5 класс - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Хью Джон Лофтинг

Hugh John Lofting / Хью Джон Лофтинг

The Story of Dr Dolittle / История доктора Дулиттла

Книга для чтения на английском языке в 5 классе общеобразовательных учебных заведений

Адаптация и словарь: И. Б. Загородняя

© Загородняя И. Б., адаптация, словарь, 2014

© ООО «Антология», 2014

The First Chapter


Once upon a time there was a doctor; and his name was Dolittle – John Dolittle, M.D. “M.D.” means that he was a good doctor and knew everything. He lived in a little town. The name of the town was Puddleby. All the people, young and old, knew him well. And when he walked down the street, everyone said, “There goes the Doctor! – He’s a clever man.” And the dogs and the children all ran up and followed behind him.

The house where he lived was quite small; but his garden was very large. His sister, Sarah Dolittle, was a housekeeper for him; but the Doctor looked after the garden himself. He loved animals and kept many kinds of pets. Besides the gold-fish in the pond, he had rabbits in the cupboard, white mice in his piano, a squirrel in the linen closet and a hedgehog in the cellar. He had a cow with a calf too, and an old horse who was twenty-five years old, and chickens, and pigeons, and two lambs, and many other animals. But his favorite pets were Dab-Dab the duck, Jip the dog, Gub-Gub the baby pig, Polynesia the parrot, and the owl Too-Too.

His sister often grumbled about all these animals and said that they made the house untidy. And one day when an old sick lady came to see the Doctor, she sat on the hedgehog who was on the sofa and so she never came to see the Doctor any more, but drove every Saturday to another town to see a different doctor.

Then his sister, Sarah Dolittle, came to him and said,

“John, how can sick people come and see you when you keep all these animals in the house? We are getting poorer every day. If you go on like this, none of the best people will come to visit you.”

“But I like the animals better than the ‘best people’,” said the Doctor.

“You are foolish,” said his sister, and walked out of the room.

So, as time went on, the Doctor got more and more animals; and at last he had no patients at all. He got even more pets; and of course it cost a lot to feed them. Then he sold his piano and let the mice live in a bureau-drawer. But the money he got for the piano began to go, so he sold his good brown suit and went on becoming poorer and poorer. And now, when he walked down the street, people said to one another, “There goes John Dolittle, M.D.! There was a time when he was the best known doctor in the West Country – Look at him now – He hasn’t any money!” But the dogs and the cats and the children still ran up and followed him through the town.

The Second Chapter

Animal Language

It happened one day that the parrot, Polynesia, flew onto the Doctor’s table and said,

“Be an animal-doctor. Don’t treat the silly people – if they haven’t brains enough to see that you’re the best doctor in the world. Take care of animals instead.”

“Oh, there are plenty of animal-doctors,” said John Dolittle.

“Yes, there ARE plenty,” said Polynesia. “But none of them are any good at all. Now listen, Doctor, and I’ll tell you something. Did you know that animals can talk?”

“I knew that parrots can talk,” said the Doctor.

“Oh, we parrots can talk in two languages – people’s language and bird-language,” said Polynesia proudly. “If I say, ‘Polly wants a cracker,’ you understand me. But hear this: Ka-ka oi-ee, fee-fee?”

“Oh!” cried the Doctor. “What does that mean?”

“That means, ‘Is the porridge hot yet?’ – in bird-language.”

“Really!” said the Doctor. “You never talked that way to me before. Tell me some more!” And he rushed to the desk and came back with the note book and a pencil. “Now don’t speak too fast – and I’ll write it down. This is interesting – very interesting – something quite new. Give me the Birds’ ABC first – slowly now.”

So all that afternoon Polynesia sat on the table and gave him bird words to put down in the book. After a while, with the parrot’s help, the Doctor learnt the language of the animals so well that he could talk to them and understand everything they said. Then old ladies began to bring him their pets; and farmers came many miles to show him sick cows and sheep. One day a farmer with a horse came to him; and the poor animal was really glad to find a man who could talk in horse-language.

“You know, Doctor,” said the horse, “that vet over the hill knows nothing at all. He thinks that I have a problem knee. But I just need GLASSES. I am going blind in one eye. Why can’t horses wear glasses? That stupid man over the hill never even looked at my eyes. He gave me big pills. I tried to tell him; but he couldn’t understand a word of horse-language. What I need is glasses.”

“Of course – of course,” said the Doctor, “I’ll get you some at once.”

“I would like a pair like yours,” said the horse – “only green. They’ll keep the sun out of my eyes while I’m plowing the field.”

“Certainly,” said the Doctor, “I’ll have the glasses for you next week. Come in again on Tuesday!” Then John Dolittle got a fine, big pair of green glasses; and the horse could see very well. And soon many farm-animals wore glasses in the country round Puddleby; and there were no blind horses.

Sick animals told the Doctor where the pain was and how they felt, and of course it was easy for him to cure them. Now all these animals went back and told their brothers and friends that there was a doctor in the little house with the big garden who really WAS a doctor. And all the sick animals wanted to see John Dolittle. So his big garden was always crowded and he had special doors for the different kinds. He wrote “HORSES” over the front door, “COWS” over the side door and “SHEEP” over the kitchen door. Each kind of animal had a separate door – even the mice had a tiny tunnel made for them into the cellar. And so, in a few years’ time, every living thing for miles and miles knew about John Dolittle, M.D. And the birds who flew to other countries in the winter told the animals in foreign lands of the wonderful doctor, who could understand their talk and help them in their troubles. In this way[1] he became famous among the animals – all over the world. And he was happy and liked his life very much.

The Third Chapter

More Money Troubles

And soon now the Doctor began to make money again; and his sister, Sarah, bought a new dress and was happy. Some of the animals who came to see him were so sick that they stayed at the Doctor’s house for a week. And often even after they got well, they did not want to go away – they liked the Doctor and his house so much. And he never refused them. So in this way he got more pets.

Once an Italian organ-grinder came with a monkey on a string. The Doctor saw that the monkey’s collar was too tight and that he was dirty and unhappy. So he took the monkey away from the Italian, gave the man some money and told him to go. The organ-grinder got angry and said that he wanted to keep the monkey. But the Doctor didn’t let him. John Dolittle was a strong man, though he wasn’t very tall. So the Italian didn’t want to fight with the Doctor, he went away and the monkey stayed with Doctor Dolittle and had a good home. The other animals in the house called him “Chee-Chee” – which is a common word in monkey-language, meaning “ginger.”

Another time, when the circus came to Puddleby, the crocodile who had a bad toothache escaped at night and came into the Doctor’s garden. The Doctor talked to him in crocodile-language, took him into the house and made his tooth better. But when the crocodile saw what a nice house it was, he wanted to live with the Doctor. He asked to let him sleep in the fish-pond, and promised not to eat the fish. And the Doctor agreed. But now the old ladies were afraid to send their lap-dogs to Doctor Dolittle because of the crocodile; and the farmers were also afraid of the crocodile. So the Doctor went to the crocodile and told him he must go back to his circus. But he wept such big tears, and begged so hard to stay, that the Doctor felt sorry for him and let him stay.

So then the Doctor’s sister came to him and said,

“John, you must send that creature away. Now the farmers and the old ladies are afraid to send their animals to you. We will lose all the money! I will no longer be housekeeper for you if you don’t send away that alligator.”

“It isn’t an alligator,” said the Doctor – “it’s a crocodile.”

“I don’t care what you call it,[2]” said his sister. “It’s a nasty thing. I won’t have it in the house.”

“But he has promised me,” the Doctor answered, “that he will not bite any one. He doesn’t like the circus; and I haven’t the money to send him back to Africa where he comes from. Don’t be so fussy.”

“I tell you I WILL NOT have him around,” said Sarah. “He eats the linoleum. If you don’t send him away this minute I’ll – I’ll go and get married!”

“All right,” said the Doctor, “go and get married. It can’t be helped.[3]”

So Sarah Dolittle packed up her things and went off; and the Doctor was left all alone with his animal family. And very soon he became very poor. But the Doctor didn’t worry at all.

“Money is a nuisance,” he said.

Soon the animals began to worry. And one evening when the Doctor was asleep in his chair before the kitchen-fire they began talking. And the owl, Too-Too, who was good at arithmetic, figured it out that there was only money enough left to live one week – if they each had one meal a day and no more. Then the parrot said, “I think we all should do the housework ourselves.” So the monkey, Chee-Chee cooked; the dog swept the floors; the duck made the beds; the owl, Too-Too, kept the accounts, and the pig worked in the garden. They made Polynesia, the parrot, housekeeper because she was the oldest. And the house was very tidy and clean. But still they needed money. So the animals made a vegetable and flower stall outside the garden-gate and sold radishes and roses to the people that passed by along the road.

But the snow came earlier than usual that year; and although the old lame horse brought a lot of wood from the forest outside the town, so they could have a big fire in the kitchen, most of the vegetables in the garden were gone, and the rest under snow; and many of the animals were really hungry.

The Fourth Chapter

A Message From Africa

That winter was a very cold one. And one night in December, when they were all round the warm fire in the kitchen, and the Doctor was reading aloud to them, the owl, Too-Too, suddenly said, “Sh! What’s that noise outside?” They all listened; and they heard the sound of someone running. Then the door opened and the monkey, Chee-Chee, ran in.

“Doctor!” he cried, “I’ve just had a message from my cousin in Africa. There is a terrible sickness among the monkeys out there. They are all catching it – and they are dying. They have heard of you, and beg you to come to Africa to stop the sickness.”

“Who brought the message?” asked the Doctor. He took off his glasses and laid down his book.

“A swallow,” said Chee-Chee. “She is outside.”

“Bring her in by the fire,” said the Doctor.

So the swallow arrived, she was cold; and although she was a little afraid at first, she soon got warmed up[4] and began to talk. Then the Doctor said, “I need to go to Africa. But we haven’t enough money to buy the tickets. Perhaps if I go down to the seaside I will borrow a boat that will take us to Africa. I knew a seaman once who brought his baby to me with measles. Maybe he’ll lend us his boat – the baby got well.[5]”

So early the next morning the Doctor went down to the seashore. And when he came back, he told the animals that the sailor was going to lend them the boat. Then the crocodile and the monkey and the parrot were very glad and began to sing, because they were going to see Africa, their real home. And the Doctor said, “I will only be able to take you three – with Jip the dog, Dab-Dab the duck, Gub-Gub the pig and the owl, Too-Too. The rest of the animals will go back and live in the fields where they were born until we come home again.”

The Doctor and the animals needed some food for the voyage, so the sailor went to see the grocer and came back with all the things they wanted. Then the animals packed up, closed the house and gave the key to the old horse who lived in the stable. There was plenty of hay for the horse, so the animals didn’t worry and carried their baggage down to the seashore and got onto the boat.

They were just going to start on their journey, when the Doctor said that he didn’t know the way to Africa. But the swallow promised to show them the way because she knew it very well. So the Doctor told Chee-Chee to pull up the anchor and the voyage began.

The Fifth Chapter

The Great Journey

Now for six whole weeks they sailed on and on,[6] over the sea. They followed the swallow who flew before the ship to show them the way. They sailed further and further into the South, and it got warmer and warmer. Polynesia, Chee-Chee and the crocodile enjoyed the hot sun very much. But the pig and the dog and the owl, Too-Too, could do nothing in such weather, but sat at the end of the ship in the shade of a big barrel, drinking lemonade. Dab-Dab, the duck, jumped into the sea and swam behind the ship, so she kept herself cool. In this way, too, she caught herrings on Tuesdays and Fridays – when everybody on the boat ate fish.

One evening, at sunset, the Doctor said, “Bring me the telescope, Chee-Chee. Our journey is nearly ended. Very soon we will see the shores of Africa.” And about half an hour later they thought they could see land. But it began to get darker and darker and they couldn’t be sure.

Then a great storm came up, with thunder and lightning. The wind howled; the rain came down in torrents; and the waves got so high they splashed over the boat. Soon there was a big BANG! The ship stopped and rolled over on its side.

“What’s happened?” asked the Doctor.

“I’m not sure,” said the parrot; “but I think we’re ship-wrecked.[7] Tell the duck to get out and see.”

So Dab-Dab dived down under the waves. And when she came up she said they had struck a rock; there was a big hole in the bottom of the ship; the water was coming in; and they were sinking fast. “Dear me, dear me!” said the Doctor. “Well – we must all swim to land.” But Chee-Chee and Gub-Gub did not know how to swim. “Take the rope!” said Polynesia. “Come here, Dab-Dab. Take this end of the rope, fly to the shore and tie it to a palm-tree; and we’ll hold the other end on the ship here. Then those that can’t swim must climb along the rope until they reach the land.”

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