Борис Джонсон - Фактор Черчилля. Как один человек изменил историю Страница 72

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Борис Джонсон - Фактор Черчилля. Как один человек изменил историю читать онлайн бесплатно

Борис Джонсон - Фактор Черчилля. Как один человек изменил историю - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Борис Джонсон

Архив Клементины Черчилль, колледж Черчилля, Кембридж (CSCT)

Архив лорда Рандольфа Черчилля, колледж Черчилля, Кембридж (RCHL)

Архив Рандольфа Черчилля, колледж Черчилля, Кембридж (RDCH)

Архив Уинстона Черчилля, колледж Черчилля, Кембридж (CHAR & CHUR)

Дополнительная коллекция бумаг Черчилля, колледж Черчилля, Кембридж (WCHL)

Архив Джона Колвилла, колледж Черчилля, Кембридж (CLVL)

B. Опубликованные источники

Примечание: если не указано иное, местом публикации является Лондон.

III. Основные работы Уинстона Черчилля

Churchill, Winston, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, Vols I–IV (1956–1958)

Amid These Storms: Thoughts and Adventures (New York, 1932)

Great Contemporaries (1937)

Ian Hamilton’s March (1900)

IndiaSpeeches (1931)

London to Ladysmith Via Pretoria (1900)

Lord Randolph Churchill, Vols I–II (1906)

Marlborough: His Life and Times, Vols I–IV (1933–1938)

My African Journey (1908)

My Early Life: A Roving Commission (1930)

Painting as a Pastime (1948)

Savrola: A Tale of Revolution in Laurania (1899)

The River War: An Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan, Vols I–II (1899)

World War II, Vols I–VI (1948–1953)

The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War (1898)

The World Crisis Vols I–V (1923–1931)

IV. Официальная биография

Churchill, Randolph S., Winston S. Churchill Vol. I: Youth 18751900 (1966)

Churchill, Randolph S., (ed.) Companion Volume I, Parts 1 and 2 (1967)

Winston S. Churchill Vol. II: Young Statesmen 19011914 (1967)

– (ed.), Companion Volume II, Parts 1, 2, and 3 (1969)

Gilbert, Martin, Winston S. Churchill Vol. III: 19141916 (1971)

Gilbert, Martin, (ed.) Companion Volume III, Parts 1 and 2 (1972)

Winston S. Churchill Vol. IV: 19161922 (1975)

– (ed.), Companion Volume IV, Parts 1, 2, and 3 (1977)

Winston S. Churchill Vol. V: 19221939 (1976)

– (ed.), Companion Volume V, Parts 1, 2, and 3 (1979)

Winston S. Churchill Vol. VI: Finest Hour 19391941 (1983)

– (ed.), Companion Volume VI: The Churchill War Papers, Parts 1, 2, and 3 (1993, 1995, 2000)

Winston S. Churchill Vol. VII: The Road to Victory 19411945 (1986)

Winston S. Churchill Vol. VIII: Never Despair 19451965 (1988)

V. Сборники

Boyle, P., (ed.) The ChurchillEisenhower Correspondence, 19531955 (Chapel Hill, 1984)

James, Robert R., (ed.) Winston S. Churchill: His Complete Speeches, 1897–1963, Vols 18 (1974)

Kimball, W., (ed.) Churchill and Roosevelt, the Complete Correspondence Vols 13 (Princeton, 1984)

Sand, G., (ed.) Defending the West: The TrumanChurchill Correspondence, 19451960 (Westport, 2004)

Soames, Mary, (ed.) Speaking For Themselves: The Private Letters of Sir Winston and Lady Churchill: The Personal Letters of Winston and Clementine Churchill (1999)

Woods, F., (ed.) Young Winston’s Wars: The Original Despatches of Winston S. Churchill, War Correspondent, 18971900 (1972)

VI. Дневники, мемуары и монографии

Aga Khan III, Memoirs of Aga Khan: World Enough and Time (1954)

Asquith, Herbert, Memories and Reflections: The Earl of Oxford and Asquith, Vols I–II (1928)

Barnes, John and Nicholson, David, (eds) The Diaries of Leo Amery Vol. I 18961929 (1980)

The Empire At Bay: The Leo Amery Diaries Vol. II 19291945: The Empire At Bay (1988)

Beaverbrook, Lord Maxwell, Politicians and the War (1928)

The Decline and Fall of Lloyd George (1963)

Berman, Richard, The Mahdi of Allah [introduction by Churchill] (London, 1931)

Bonham Carter, Violet, Winston Churchill as I Knew Him (1965)

Bonham, Mark and Pottle, Mark, (eds) Lantern Slides: The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter, 19041914 (Phoenix, 1997)

Brock, Michael and Eleanor, (eds) H. H. Asquith: Letters to Venetia Stanley (Oxford, 1982)

Butler, R. A., The Art of the Possible: The Memoirs of Lord Butler (1979)

Campbell-Johnson, Alan, Mission with Mountbatten (1951)

Cantrell, Peter, (ed.) The Macmillan Diaries (2003)

Colville, Jock, The Fringes of Power: Downing Street Diaries 19391955 (1985)

Action This DayWorking with Churchill (1968)

The Churchillians (1981)

Ferrel, Robert, The Eisenhower Diaries (New York, 1981)

Haldane, J. Aylmer, How We Escaped from Pretoria (Edinburgh, 1900)

Hamilton, Ian, Gallipoli Diary, Vols I–II (1920)

Hart-Davis, Duff, King’s Counsellor: Abdication and WarThe Diaries of Sir Alan Lascelles (2006)

Lloyd George, David, Memoirs of the Peace Conference, Vols I–II (New Haven, 1939)

Macmillan, Harold, War Diaries: Politics and War in the Mediterranean (1975)

Autobiography, Vols I–VI (1966–1973)

Mayo, Katherine, Mother India (1927)

Moran, Lord, Winston Churchill: The Struggle for Survival (1966)

Nicolson, Nigel, (ed.) Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters 19301939 (1966)

Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters 19391945 (1970)

Harold Nicolson: Diaries and Letters 19451962 (1971)

Pottle, Mark, (ed.) Champion Redoubtable: Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter, 19141945 (1998)

Roosevelt, Elliott, (with James Borough) An Untold Story: The Roosevelts of Hyde Park (1973)

As He Saw It (1974)

Shuckburgh, Evelyn, Descent to the Suez: Foreign Office Diaries 19511956 (1987)

Thompson, Walter H., I was Churchill’s Shadow (1951)

Sixty Minutes With Winston Churchill (1953)

Beside The Bulldog: The Intimate Memoirs of Churchill’s Bodyguard (2003)

Weizmann, Chaim, Trial and Error: The Autobiography of Chaim Weizmann (New York, 1949)

Williamson, Philip and Baldwin, Edward (eds) Baldwin Papers: A Conservative Statesman (Cambridge, 2004)

Дополнительные источники

Примечание: если не указано иное, местом публикации является Лондон.

VII. Избранные мемуары, монографии и сборники

Addison, Paul, Churchill on the Home Front, 19001955 (1992)

Churchill: The Unexpected Hero (2005)

Ansari, Humayun, The Making of the East London Mosque, 1910–1951 (2011)

Ball, Stuart, The Conservative Party and British Politics 19021951 (1995)

Winston Churchill (2003)

Parliament and Politics in the Age of Churchill and Attlee: The Headlam Diaries 19351951 (2004)

– (ed., with Anthony Seldon) Recovering Power: The Conservatives in Opposition Since 1867

Bennett, G. H., British Foreign Policy During The Curzon Period 19191924 (1995)

Brendon, Piers, Winston Churchill (1984)

The Decline and Fall of the British Empire, 17811997 (2010)

Cannadine, David, Ornamentalism: How the British Saw Their Empire (Oxford, 2002)

– (ed., with Roland Quinault), Winston Churchill in the Twenty First Century (2004)

Catherwood, Christopher, Churchill’s Folly: How Winston Churchill Created Modern Iraq (2004)

Charmley, John, Churchill: The End of GloryA Political Biography (1994)

Churchill’s Grand Alliance 1940–1957 (1995)

A History of Conservative Politics 1900–1996 (1996)

Cohen, Michael, Churchill and the Jews, 19001948 (1985)

Cowles, Virginia, Winston Churchill: The Era and The Man (1963)

D’Este, Carlo, Warlord: A Life of Churchill at War 18741945 (2008)

Dockter, A. Warren, Winston Churchill and the Islamic World: Orientalism, Empire and Diplomacy in the Middle East (2014)

Farmelo, Graham, Churchill’s Bomb: A Hidden History of Science, War and Politics (2013)

Fishman, Jack, My Darling Clementine: The Story of Lady Churchill (1963)

Fisk, Robert, The Great War For Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East (2005)

Foster, R. F., Lord Randolph Churchill: A Political Life (Oxford, 1981)

Fromkin, David, A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East (New York, 1989)

Gilbert, Martin, Churchill’s Political Philosophy (1981)

Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years (1981)

World War II (1989)

Churchill: A Life (1991)

In Search of Churchill (1994)

History of the Twentieth Century (2001)

Churchill and America (2005)

Churchill and the Jews (2007)

Hastings, Max, Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord, 1940–1945 (2009)

Herman, Arthur, Gandhi and Churchill: The Epic Rivalry that Destroyed an Empire and Forged Our Age (2008)

Higgins, Trumbull, Winston Churchill and the Dardanelles (1963)

Hyam, Ronald, Elgin and Churchill at the Colonial Office 19051908: The Watershed of the Empire-Commonwealth (1968)

Irons, Roy, Churchill and the Mad Mullah of Somaliland: Betrayal and Redemption 18991921 (2013)

James, Lawrence, Churchill and Empire: Portrait of an Imperialist (2013)

James, Robert Rhodes, Lord Randolph Churchill (1959)

Churchill: A Study in Failure, 19001939 (1981)

Jenkins, Roy, Churchill: A Biography (New York, 2001)

Karsh, Efraim, The Arab-Israeli Conflict. The Palestine 1948 War (Oxford, 2002)

Kennedy, Paul, Engineers of Victory: The Problem Solvers who Turned the Tide in the Second World War (2013)

Kumarasingham, Harshan, A Political Legacy of the British Empire: Power and the Parliamentary System in Post-Colonial India and Sri Lanka (2013)

Lloyd George, Robert, David and Winston: How a Friendship Changed History (2005)

Louis, Wm Roger, (ed., with Robert Blake) Churchill: A Major New Assessment (1993)

Lovell, Mary S., The Churchills: A Family at the Heart of History (2011)

Macmillan, Margaret, Peacemakers: Six Months that Changed the World (2002)

Manchester, William, The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Visions of Glory 18741932 (New York, 1983)

The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Alone 1932–1940 (New York, 1988)

(with Paul Reid) The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill (New York, 2012)

Marder, Arthur, From Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, Vols I–IV (1965)

de Mendelssohn, Peter, The Age of Churchill: Heritage and Adventure, 18741911 (1961)

Middlemas, Keith and Barnes, John, Baldwin: A Biography (1969)

Mukerjee, Madhusree, Churchill’s Secret War: The British Empire and the Ravaging of India during World War II (2011)

Muller, James, (ed.) Churchill as a Peacemaker (New York, 1997)

Overy, Richard, Why the Allies Won (1997)

The Battle of Britain: The Myth and the Reality (2002)

Ramsden, John, Man of the Century: Winston Churchill and Legend since 1945 (2002)

Reid, Walter, Empire of Sand: How Britain Made the Middle East (2011)

Reynolds, David, In Command of History: Churchill Fighting and Writing World War II (2004)

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