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Взломать всё. Как сильные мира сего используют уязвимости систем в своих интересах - Брюс Шнайер читать онлайн бесплатно
Grant Uline (1 Oct 2016), «Card counting and the casino's reaction,» Gaming Law Review and Economics, https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/glre.2016.2088.
David W. Schnell-Davis (Fall 2012), «High-tech casino advantage play: Legislative approaches to the threat of predictive devices,» UNLV Gaming Law Journal 3, https://scholars.law.unlv.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1045&context=glj.
New Jersey is an exception to this. Atlantic City casinos cannot ban card counters. Donald Janson (6 May 1982), «Court rules casinos cannot bar card counters,» The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/1982/05/06/nyregion/court-rules-casinos-may-not-bar-card-counters.html.
Ben Mezrich (Dec 2002), Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six MIT Students Who Took Vegas for Millions, Atria Books.
Janet Ball (26 May 2014), «How a team of students beat the casinos,» BBC World Service, https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-27519748.
Josh Barro (12 Sep 2014), «The fadeout of the mileage run,» The New York Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/14/upshot/the-fadeout-of-the-mileag-run.html.
Darius Rafieyan (23 Sep 2019), «How one man used miles to fulfil his dream to visit every country before turning 40,» NPR, https://www.npr.org/2019/09/23/762259297/meet-the-credit-card-obsessives-who-travel-the-world-on-points.
Gina Zakaria (25 Feb 2020), «If you're interested in a Chase card like the Sapphire Preferred you need to know about the 5/24 rule that affects whether you'll be approved,» Business Insider, https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/what-is-chase-524-rule.
Nicole Dieker (2 Aug 2019), «How to make sure you don't lose your credit card rewards when you close the card,» Life Hacker, https://twocents.lifehacker.com/how-to-make-sure-you-dont-lose-your-credit-card-rewards-1836913367.
Carla Herreria Russo (3 Oct 2016), «Meet David Phillips, the guy who earned 1.2 million airline miles with chocolate pudding,» Huffington Post, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/david-philipps-pudding-guy-travel-deals_n_577c9397e4b0a629c1ab35a7.
Associated Press (20 Aug 1951), «Brownies hit all-time low; Use 3-foot 7-inch player,» Spokesman-Review, https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=rS5WAAAAIBAJ&sjid=3uUDAAAAIBAJ&pg=4920%2C3803143.
Presh Talwalkar (6 Jun 2017), «Genius strategic thinking in the 1976 NBA Finals,» Mind Your Decisions, https://mindyourdecisions.com/blog/2017/06/06/genius-strategic-thinking-in-the-1976-nba-finals-game-theory-tuesdays. Secret Base (5 Feb 2019), «The infinite timeout loophole that almost broke the 1976 NBA Finals,» YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Od2wgHLq69U.
John Lohn (24 Sep 2021), «Seoul Anniversary: When the backstroke went rogue: How David Berkoff and underwater power changed the event,» Swimming World, https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/seoul-anniversary-when-the-backstroke-went-rogue-how-david-berkoff-and-underwater-power-changed-the-event.
Rodger Sherman (10 Jan 2015), «The Patriots' trick play that got John Harbaugh mad,» SB Nation, https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2015/1/10/7526841/the-patriots-trick-play-that-got-john-harbaugh-mad-ravens.
Ben Volin (26 Mar 2015), «NFL passes rule aimed at Patriots' ineligible receiver tactic,» Boston Globe, https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2015/03/25/nfl-passes-rule-change-aimed-patriots-ineligible-receiver-tactic/uBqPWS5dKYdMYMcIiJ3sKO/story.html.
Сюжет детского фильма 1997 г. «Король воздуха» (Air Bud) основан на хаке правил профессионального баскетбола, которые не запрещают собаке выступать за команду. (Фильм просто жесть.)
Manish Verma (7 Jan 2016), "How Tillakaratne Dilshan invented the 'Dilscoop,' " SportsKeeda, https://www.sportskeeda.com/cricket/how-tillakaratne-dilshan-invented-dilscoop.
Jordan Golson (17 Dec 2014), «Well that didn't work: The crazy plan to bring 6-wheeled cars to F1,» Wired, https://www.wired.com/2014/12/well-didnt-work-crazy-plan-bring-6-wheeled-cars-f1.
Gordon Murray (23 Jul 2019), «Gordon Murray looks back at the notorious Brabham fan car,» Motor Sport, https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/articles/single-seaters/f1/gordon-murray-looks-back-notorious-brabham-fan-car.
McLaren (1 Nov 2017), «The search for the extra pedal,» https://www.mclaren.com/racing/inside-the-mtc/mclaren-extra-pedal-3153421.
Matt Somerfield (20 Apr 2020), «Banned: The 2010 Formula 1 season's F-duct,» AutoSport, https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/149090/banned-the-f1-2010-season-fduct.
Laurence Edmondson (6 Feb 2016), «Mercedes F1 engine producing over 900bhp with more to come in 2016,» ESPN, https://www.espn.com/f1/story/_/id/14724923/mercedes-f1-engine-producing-900bhp-more-come-2016.
Laurence Edmondson (21 Feb 2020), «Mercedes' DAS system: What is it? And is it a 2020 game-changer?» ESPN, https://www.espn.com/f1/story/_/id/28749957/mercedes-das-device-and-2020-game-changer.
Dave Stubbs (2 Jun 2017), «Marty McSorley's illegal stick still part of Stanley Cup Final lore,» National Hockey League, https://www.nhl.com/news/marty-mcsorleys-illegal-stick-still-part-of-stanley-cup-final-lore/c-289749406.
University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies Center for Applied Critical Thinking (5 Oct 2018), The Red Team Handbook: The Army's Guide to Making Better Decisions, US Army Combined Arms Center, https://usacac.army.mil/sites/default/files/documents/ufmcs/The_Red_Team_Handbook.pdf.
Defense Science Board (Sep 2003), «Defense Science Board Task Force on the Role and Status of DoD Red Teaming Activities,» Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a430100.pdf.
Шнайер Б. Секреты и ложь. Безопасность данных в цифровом мире. – СПб.: Питер, 2003.
Adam Shostack (2014), Threat Modeling: Designing for Security, John Wiley & Sons.
R. N. Swanson (2011), Indulgences in Late Medieval England: Passports to Paradise? Cambridge University Press.
Ray Cavanaugh (31 Oct 2017), «Peddling purgatory relief: Johann Tetzel,» National Catholic Reporter, https://www.ncronline.org/news/people/peddling-purgatory-relief-johann-tetzel.
Якобы у них даже был рекламный слоган: «Лишь злато в ларце зазвенит, / Душа облегченно на небо летит».
Совершенно не связанное с этим наблюдение: карта «Пожизненный выход из тюрьмы» в игре «Монополия» может быть использована, чтобы хакнуть правило, запрещающее игрокам давать друг другу деньги взаймы. Игроки могут продавать карту друг другу за любую сумму, что превращает ее в удобное средство денежных переводов.
Jay Walker and Jeff Lehman (1975), 1000 Ways to Win Monopoly Games, Dell Publishing, http://www.lehman-intl.com/jeffreylehman/1000-ways-to-win-monopoly.html.
Joanna H. Frodin and Richart Startz (Jun 1982), «The NOW account experiment and the demand for money,» Journal of Banking and Finance 6, no. 2, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0378426682900322. Paul Watro (10 Aug 1981), «The battle for NOWs,» Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, https://www.clevelandfed.org/en/newsroom-and-events/publications/economic-commentary/economic-commentary-archives/1981-economic-commentaries/ec-19810810-the-battle-for-nows.aspx.
Хотя он и не использовал никогда слово «хакинг», Хайман Мински размышлял об этом. Hyman Minsky (May 1992), «The financial instability hypothesis,» Working Paper No. 74, The Jerome Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, https://www.levyinstitute.org/pubs/wp74.pdf.
Charles Levinson (21 Aug 2015), «U.S. banks moved billions of dollars in trades beyond Washington's reach,» Reuters, https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-swaps. Marcus Baram (29 Jun 2018), «Big banks are exploiting a risky Dodd-Frank loophole that could cause a repeat of 2008,» Fast Company, https://www.fastcompany.com/90178556/big-banks-are-exploiting-a-risky-dodd-frank-loophole-that-could-cause-a-repeat-of-2008.
Deniz O. Igan and Thomas Lambert (9 Aug 2019), «Bank lobbying: Regulatory capture and beyond,» IMF Working Paper No. 19/171, International Monetary Fund, https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2019/08/09/Bank-Lobbying-Regulatory-Capture-and-Beyond-45735.
Несколько банковских регуляторов, в том числе Управление контролера денежного обращения и Бюро финансовой защиты потребителей, предлагают возможность комментировать по крайней мере в отдельных случаях. См.: https://www.occ.treas.gov/about/connect-with-us/public-comments/index-public-comments.html. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (last updated 7 Apr 2022), «Notice and opportunities to comment,» https://www.consumerfinance.gov/rules-policy/notice-opportunities-comment.
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