Steve Andreas - Help with Negative Self–talk Volume I Страница 19
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He has also produced over 50 DVD and CD demonstrations of NLP patterns. He continues to model and write about new NLP patterns and understandings at his home in the foothills of the rocky mountains near Boulder, Colorado. Steve earned a BS in Chemistry from Caltech in 1957, and an MA in psychology from Brandeis University in 1961. He taught psychology and social science at a junior college in California from 1962–1970, and did Gestalt Therapy from 1967–1977. He edited Fritz Perls' Gestalt Therapy Verbatim and In and Out the Garbage Pail, and wrote Awareness: exploring, experimenting, experiencing — all under his previous name, John O. Stevens, which he changed in 1981 when he married Connirae Andreas, and took her last name.
Steve maintains a blog at: and a web site at:
Many of Steve's NLP products can be found at Real People Press:
Many other NLP products can be found at NLP Comprehensive:
1) Andreas, Connirae; and Andreas, Steve. Boulder, Colorado. Heart of the Mind. Real People Press. 1989
2) Andreas, Connirae; and Andreas, Tamara. Core Transformation. Boulder, Colorado. Real People Press. 1994
3) Andreas, Steve, and Andreas, Connirae. Change Your Mind—and Keep the Change. Boulder, Colorado. Real People Press. 1987
4) Andreas, Steve, and Andreas, Connirae. "Resolving Grief."
5) Andreas, Steve. Six Blind Elephants: understanding ourselves and each other, volumes I & II. Boulder, Colorado. Real People Press. 2006
6) Andreas, Steve. "Core Questions" (CD) Milton Erickson Foundation conference, "Brief Therapy, Lasting Impressions." 2006–questionscd–p–68.html
7) Andreas, Steve. Transforming Your Self: becoming who you want to be. Boulder, Colorado. Real People Press. 2002
8) Andreas, Steve. Virginia Satir: the patterns of her magic. Boulder, Colorado. Real People Press. 1991
9) Austin, Andrew T. The Rainbow Machine: tales from a neurolinguisf s journal. Boulder, Colorado. Real People Press. 2007
10) Bandler, Richard, and Grinder, John. Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, MD, volume I Cupertino, CA. 1975
11) Beck, Aaron T. Cognitive Therapy of Depression. New York, Guilford Press, 1987
12) Burns, David D. Feeling Good: the new mood therapy. New York, Avon books, 1992
13) Derks, Lucas. Social Panoramas: changing the unconscious landscape with NLP and Psychotherapy. Williston, VT Crown House Publishing, 2005
14) Emotional Freedom Technique (EMT)
15) Ekman, Paul. Emotions Revealed: Understanding Faces and Feelings. London, Orion, Phoenix, 2004
16) Ellis, Albert. Overcoming Resistance: A Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Integrated Approach. New York, Springer Publishing Company, 2007
17) Lakoff, George. Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things; what categories reveal about the mind. Chicago IL, University of Chicago Press, 1987
18) McWhirter, John.
19) Nardone, Giorgio; and Portelli, Claudette. Knowing Through Changing. Carmarthen, Wales Crown House Publishing, 2005
20) Walker, Lewis. Changing with NLP: a casebook of neuro–linguistic programming in medical practice. Oxford, UK. Radcliffe Medical Press, Ltd. 2004
21) Yapko, Michael. "Breaking Patterns of Depression" DVD transcript. Phoenix, AZ, Zeig Tucker and Theisen.
This chapter is adapted from the appendix to Transforming Your Self: becoming who you want to be. (7)
This chapter is adapted from Six Blind Elephants (5, vol. 2, ch. 1, pp. 13–16).
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