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Spiritual Practice - I. LAMA - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор I. LAMA

of comprehension (competence). The levels of competence correspond to the levels of the chakras.

Message to the angel of the assemblie – hint in practice to a student of a specific level. A student may get stuck on one or another chakra. That is, this angel, this disciple works with this energy center and has a problem in his spiritual growth, which is associated with the transition from the level of this given chakra to the next level. And the message to the seven churches gives him a clue what to do in his situation.

Star – chakra. Star is something very high. Star is a charka in its highest state, a chakra in an awakened state. Angel – servant, disciple, submission, dependence. The assemblie – system of comprehension of the truth, a system of spiritual practice. The star are the angel of the assemblie – the state of the chakra is essentially subordinated to the system of spiritual practice. If there is a correct system of practice, then there will be development, evolution of the chakra. If not, then no. The star are the angel of the assemblie – the angel of the church is essentially a star, that is, a spiritual practitioner of a very high level.

Lampstand – teaching, theory, law. The assemblie – system of practice, system of comprehension (competence). The lamp is the essence of the assemblie – the teaching is essentially a system of spiritual practice. The seven lampstands are seven assemblies – the seven levels of teaching are in fact seven levels of comprehension of the Truth, seven levels of spiritual practice.

He had seven stars in his right hand – the state of any chakra depends not only on the student himself, but also on the Almighty. If the Almighty does not want it, the chakras will not open.

Out of his mouth proceeded a sharp two-edged sword – the Almighty is a warrior on the verbal front.

Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea – it is in this sequence that these cities indicate the correct direction of the procession and its nodal points. The procession is performed clockwise. It can be seen from the map that there is no other, more optimal sequence. If you are in Ephesus, it is stupid to visit Pergamum first, and then Smyrna. It is impossible to be in Pergamon without passing Smyrna. Similarly, it is impossible to get into the third grade of school without having mastered the second grade program. Similarly, it is impossible to raise energy to manipura without first raising it to svadhisthana. This procession is performed three times. In the first cycle, there is a sequential opening of the chakras in order from the bottom up. This clears the way for raising the energy of kundalini, which sleeps in the first, lower chakra. Reaching the crown, the seventh chakra, kundalini causes phenomena that are designated by the expression kundalini awakening. The people who awakened the kundalini are designated in Revelation as the chosen people, the sons of Israel, sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand. After the seventh chakra, there is a return back to the first chakra, in order to close this time, not to hammer, namely to close, the chakras. Closing the chakras in this cycle means closing the energy leaks from these chakras. At the level of the sixth chakra, the state of holiness is reached. People filled with holiness are referred to in Revelation as those in white robes. At the level of the seventh chakra, personal liberation occurs. This is the arhat level. After personal liberation, there is a return back to the first chakra, this time to form a special physical body. At the level of each chakra of the third cycle, its exclusive body is formed, capable of leaving the physical. At the level of the seventh chakra of the third cycle, the level of a Buddha is reached. The entire third cycle can be called the path of the conqueror in Truth. Recommendations for the first and second cycle are combined. Recommendations for the third cycle are written separately, after the word conquering.

Kundalini – Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is kundalini when it is said that one who had a flame over his head and spoke in all languages. This is just mystical energy when it is said that the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended on Jesus Christ. This is the Absolute when it is said that the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. In all other cases, the Holy Spirit is usually understood as the energy of kundalini.

To awaken the kundalini, you must first of all not waste any form of sexual energy: "be a virgin". Secondly, you need not to "overeat".

And from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness – here "Jesus Christ" means Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the savior of the past.

To him who loves us, and washed us from our sins by his blood; and he made us to be a Kingdom, priests to his God and Father – here Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Savior of the past, is meant.

Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him – here the Lamb, the savior from the future, is meant.

Including those who pierced him – this refers to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the savior of the past, and also a metaphor is used here: those who pierce the Lamb, the savior from the future, in complete identity with how they pierced the savior of the past.

All the tribes of the earth will mourn over him – here the Lamb, the savior from the future, is meant.

I John, your brother and partner with you in oppression, Kingdom, and perseverance in Christ Jesus, was on the isle that is called Patmos because of God's Word and the testimony of Jesus Christ – here "Jesus Christ" means

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