Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения» Страница 7
Позитивные изменения. Том 2, № 1 (2022). Positive changes. Volume 2, Issue 1 (2022) - Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения» читать онлайн бесплатно
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YADRO ("CORE") IT SERVICE BY THE NUZHNA POMOSH ("NEED HELP") CHARITABLE FUND is one of the largest projects in Russia. It is available only in Russian. The service has several functions. First, it serves as a verification procedure in terms of informational transparency and reputation. Once registered, an organization becomes part of a catalogue of reputable foundations and can launch fundraising using a special service, and apply for support for its project. Second, the service offers an in-build annual report constructor. Third, the service has a multi-functional information management panel where one can find essential information about the project's segments in brief form. It also enables setting notifications that will remind you of important deadlines. Fourth, the service provides access to detailed statistical data across the organization regarding donations, donors, and funding sources.
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AN ONLINE SERVICE FOR EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS IN THE ACHIEVEMENT OF INDICATORS USED IN THE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF TOP OFFICIALS OF THE TERRITORIAL ENTITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE WORK OF EXECUTIVE BODIES OF THE TERRITORIAL ENTITIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION is a service that allows you to speak the language of government institutions. How to convince officials to support the project, allocate funding, provide information support? How to assess that a certain project will help achieve the goals in a particular region? What metrics and indicators to use? What methodology to apply? Answers to these questions can be provided by an online service for evaluating the impact of non-profit organizations on the achievement of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of top officials (heads of the crucial governing institutions) of the territorial entities of the Russian Federation and the work of executive bodies of the territorial entities of the Russian Federation. Available only in Russian. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 4, 2021, there are only 20 such indicators. Several of them can be fulfilled through active efforts of non-profit organizations and, accordingly, through the support of NGOs by regional administrations, local governments, and regional businesses. The service is primarily informational in nature — it provides information about the availability of assessment criteria, a list of indicators, their components and calculation methods, and also helps to easily and quickly compile a list of points of influence that each NGO has on assessing the performance of governors and establish communication in a language understandable to NGOs and the administration.
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THE KPI LENS is an international service. It only has an English version. It allows organizations to enter and analyze data to prepare monitoring and evaluation of their projects in online dashboards mode. The KPI Lens data collection functionality allows you to enter the on-hand data or conduct surveys using built-in tools. The resulting data are automatically transferred to an online workspace where it can be managed and analyzed in real time without the need to switch between multiple software tools. In KPI Lens, you can track the impact of projects using the Theory of Change or a logical model. The service allows you to add your own indicators, immediate results (outputs), long-term results (outcomes), and provides several monitoring platforms, an indicator tracker table, an option of comparing targeted values with actual ones. The service also enables preparing reports that may include various data visualization formats. The service operates on a subscription basis, the monthly fee depends on functionality and ranges from $0 (free version with a decent range of features) to $399 (full access).
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THE VOLUNTEER ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION CALCULATOR is another service developed by the GLADWAY Foundation in partnership with the Institute of Social and Economic Design at the Higher School of Economics. Available only in Russian. The Calculator uses a replacement cost calculation to identify the value of volunteer labor for an organization. The calculation uses data from an API service developed by Headhunter.ru, the leading Russian-language job search portal, including the average salary in the specified region for the specified type of specialist across 100 vacancies posted in a sector during the current month. To perform the calculations, it is necessary to fill in the
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