Andrew Lobaczewski - Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes Страница 37

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Andrew Lobaczewski - Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes читать онлайн бесплатно

Andrew Lobaczewski - Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Andrew Lobaczewski

searching for the proper way to behave. Agriculture is depend-

ent upon changing climate conditions and the appearance of

pests and plant diseases. A farmer’s personal qualities have

thus been an essential factor of success in this area, as it was

for many centuries. Pathocracy therefore invariably brings

about food shortages.

However, many countries with normal man’s systems

abound in sufficiency of industrial products and experience

problems with their food surpluses and temporary economic

recessions even though the citizens are by no means over-

worked. The temptation to dominate such a country and its

prosperity, that perennial imperialist motive, thus becomes

even more strong in the pathocracy. The collected prosperity of

the conquered nation can be exploited for a time, the citizens

forced to work harder for paltry remuneration. For the moment,

no thought is given to the fact that introducing a pathocratic

system within such a country will eventually cause similar

unproductive conditions; after all psychological deviance, by

definition, indicates a lack of self-knowledge in this area. Un-

fortunately, the idea of conquering rich countries also moti-

vates the minds of many poor non-pathological fellows suffer-

ing under the pathocracy, but not understanding why, and who



would like to use this opportunity to grab something for them-

selves and eat their fill of good food.

As has been the case for centuries, military power is of

course the primary means for achieving these ends. Throughout

the centuries, though, whenever history has registered the ap-

pearance of the phenomenon of pathocracy, (regardless of the

ideological cloak covering it), specific measures of influence

have also become apparent: something in the order of specific

intelligence in the service of international intrigue facilitating

conquest. This quality is derived from the above-discussed

personality characteristics inspiring the overall phenomenon; it

should constitute data for historians to identify this type of

phenomenon throughout history.

People exist everywhere in the world with specifically sus-

ceptible deviant personalities; even a faraway pathocracy

evokes a resonating response in them, working on their under-

lying feeling that “there is a place for people like us there”.

Uncritical, frustrated, and abused people also exist everywhere,

and they can be reached by appropriately elaborated propa-

ganda. The future of a nation is greatly dependent on how

many such people it contains. Thanks to its specific psycho-

logical knowledge and its conviction that normal people are

naive, a pathocracy is able to improve its “anti-

psychotherapeutic” techniques, and pathologically egotistical

as usual, to insinuate its deviant world of concepts to others in

other countries, thus making them susceptible to conquest and


The most frequently used methods include paralogistic and

conversion methods such as the projection of one’s own quali-

ties and intention onto other persons, social groups, or nations,

paramoral indignation, and reverse blocking. This last method

is a pathocratic favorite used on the mass scale, driving the

minds of average people into a dead end because, as a result, it

causes them to search for the truth in the “golden mean” be-

tween the reality and its opposite.101

101 This is being very effectively used at the present time under the guise of

“The War on Terror”, a completely manufactured device that utilizes “false

flag operations” to herd people into “support camps” for the U.S. imperialist

agenda. [Editor’s note.]



We should thus point out that although various works in the

area of psychopathology contain descriptions of most of these

near-hypocritical methods, an overall summary filling the gaps

observed is absent and sorely needed. How much better it

would be if the people and governments of normal man’s coun-

tries could take advantage of such a work and behave like an

experienced psychologist, noting the reproaches heaped upon

them in the course of projection and turning around statements

whose character indicate reverse blocking. A bit of analytical

cosmetics would then produce a low-cost list of a pathocratic

empire’s intentions.102

Law has become the measure of right within the countries

of normal human systems. We often forget how imperfect a

creation of human minds it really is, how dependent it is on

formulations based upon data which legislators can understand.

In legal theory, we accept its regulatory nature as a given and

consequently agree that in certain cases its activities may not

be quite concurrent with human reality. Understood thus, the

law furnishes insufficient support for counteracting a phe-

nomenon whose character lies outside of the possibilities of the

legislators’ imagination. Quite the contrary: pathocracy knows

how to take advantage of the weaknesses of such a legalistic

manner of thinking.

However, this macrosocial phenomenon’s internal actions

and external expansion are based upon psychological data. As

such, regardless of how these data are deformed within the

pathocrats’ personalities, its cunning is vastly superior to nor-

mal people’s legal systems. This makes pathocracy the social

system of the future, albeit in the shape of a caricature.

Therefore, the future for normal man belongs to social sys-

tems which are based on an improved comprehension of man

in all his psychological variations; evolution in this direction

can, among other things, ensure greater resistance to the expan-

102 This is currently being done, and quite well, by alternative news sources

on the internet, bloggers, and many “ordinary” people who can easily see

what is going on. Unfortunately, to date, no ruling party in any significant

country with the power to stand against the pathocracy of the U.S. has man-

aged to think that far. [Editor’s note.]



sionary methods this macrosocial phenomenon uses in its quest

to dominate the world.

Pathocracy Imposed by Force

The genesis of pathocracy in any country is so lengthy a

process that it is difficult to pinpoint when it began. If we take

into consideration those historical examples which should be

qualified in that regard, we will most frequently observe the

figure of an autocratic ruler whose mental mediocrity and in-

fantile personality finally opened the door to the ponerogenesis

of the phenomenon. Wherever a society’s common sense is

sufficiently influential, its self-preservation instinct is able to

overcome this ponerogenic process rather early. Things are

different when an active nucleus of this disease already exists

and can dominate by means of infection or the imposition of


Whenever a nation experiences a “system crisis” or a hy-

peractivity of ponerogenic processes within, it becomes the

object of a pathocratic penetration whose purpose is to serve

up the country as booty. It will then become easy to take ad-

vantage of its internal weaknesses and revolutionary move-

ments in order to impose rule on the basis of a limited use of

force. Conditions such as a great war or a country’s temporary

weakness can sometimes cause it to submit to the violence of a

pathocratic neighbor country (against their will) whose system

did not exhibit such wide-scope infirmities earlier. After forci-

ble imposition of such a system the course of pathologization

of life becomes different; and such a pathocracy will be less

stable, its very existence dependent upon the factor of never-

ending outside force.

Let us now address the latter situation first: Brute force

must first stifle the resistance of an exhausted nation; people

possessing military or leadership skills must be disposed of,

and anyone appealing to moral values and legal principles must

be silenced. The new principles are never explicitly enunciated.

People must learn the new unwritten law via painful experi-

ence. The stultifying influence of this deviant world of con-

cepts finishes the job, and common sense demands caution and




This is followed by a shock which appears as tragic as it is

frightening. Some people from every social group, whether

abused paupers, aristocrats, officials, literati, students, scien-

tists, priests, atheists, or nobodies known to no one, suddenly

start changing their personality and world view. Decent Chris-

tians and patriots just yesterday, they now espouse the new

ideology and behave contemptuously to anyone still adhering

to the old values. Only later does it become evident that this

ostensibly avalanche-like process has its natural limits. With

time, the society becomes stratified based on factors entirely

different from the old political convictions and social links. We

already know the causes for this.

Through direct contact with the pathocracy, society simul-

taneously begins to sense that its true content is different from

the ideologies disseminated earlier, while the country was still

independent. This divergence is a traumatizing factor, because

it questions the value of accepted convictions. Years must pass

before the mind has adapted to the new concepts. When those

of us who have experienced this then travel to Western Europe,

or especially to the United States, people who still believe the

original ideologies, the mask that was presented by the pathoc-

racy, strike us as being silly.

Pathocracy imposed by force arrives in a finished form, we

could even call it ripe. People observing it close up were un-

able to distinguish the earlier phases of its development, when

the schizoidals and characteropaths were in charge. The need

for the existence of these phases and their character had to be

reconstructed in this work on the basis of historical data.

In an imposed system, psychopathic material is already

dominant; it was perceived as something contrary to human

nature, virtually bereft of the mask of ideology rendered ever

less necessary in a conquered country, but nevertheless still

masked by its incomprehensibility to people who are still trying

to think in the categories of a natural world view.

We at first perceived the old system of categories and un-

derstanding as painfully inadequate for purposes of compre-

hending the reality which had overwhelmed us. The essential

objective categories we needed to classify what we observed

would not be created until many years of effort had passed.



Individuals with deviant characteristics, scattered throughout

society, however, unerringly sensed that the time had come for

their dreams to come true, the time to exact revenge upon those

“others” who had abused and humiliated them before. This

violent formative process of pathocracy lasted barely eight

years or so, thereupon making a similarly escalated transforma-

tion into the dissimulative phase.

The system functions, psychological mechanisms, and mys-

terious causative links in a country upon which a quasi-political

structure was imposed are basically analogous to those of the

country which gave rise to the phenomenon. The system

spreads downward until it reaches every village and every hu-

man individual. The actual contents and internal causes of this

phenomenon also manifest no essential difference, regardless

of whether we make our observation in the capital or in some

outlying small town. If the entire organism is sick, diagnostic

biopsy tissue can be collected wherever this can be performed

most expediently. Those who live in countries with normal

human systems attempting to understand this other system by

means of their imagination, or by penetrating the walls of the

Kremlin where it is assumed that the intentions of the highest

authorities are concealed, do not realize that this is a very oner-

ous method to do something that can be done more efficiently.

In order to perceive the essence of the phenomenon, we can

more easily situate ourselves in a small town, where it is much

easier to peek backstage and analyze the nature of such a sys-


However, some of the differences in the nature of the

pathocratic phenomenon between the originating country and

the country on which it is forcibly imposed turn out to be per-

manent. The system will always strike the society that has been

taken over as something foreign associated with the other coun-

try. The society’s historical tradition and culture constitute a

connection to those strivings aimed in the direction of normal

man’s structures. The more mature cultural formations in par-

ticular prove the most highly resistant to the system’s destruc-

tive activities. The subjugated nation finds support and inspira-

tion for its psychological and moral resistance in its own cul-

tural, religious, and moral traditions. These values, elaborated



through centuries, cannot easily be destroyed or co-opted by

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