Слепая физиология. Удивительная книга про зрение и слух - Сьюзан Р. Барри Страница 64

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Слепая физиология. Удивительная книга про зрение и слух - Сьюзан Р. Барри читать онлайн бесплатно

Слепая физиология. Удивительная книга про зрение и слух - Сьюзан Р. Барри - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Сьюзан Р. Барри

Ground in the Visual Cortex: V2 Combines Stereoscopic Cues with Gestalt Rules,” Neuron 47 (2005): 155–166.


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A. T. Morgan, L. S. Petro, and L. Muckli, “Scene Representations Conveyed by Cortical Feedback to Early Visual Cortex Can Be Described by Line Drawings,” Journal of Neuroscience 39 (2019): 9410–9423.


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S. Geldart et al., “The Effect of Early Visual Deprivation on the Development of Face Processing,” Developmental Science 5 (2002): 490–501; R. A. Robbins et al., “Deficits in Sensitivity to Spacing After Early Visual Deprivation in Humans: A Comparison of Human Faces, Monkey Faces, and Houses,” Developmental Psychobiology 52 (2010): 775–781.


M. E. Arterberry and P. J. Kellman, Development of Perception in Infancy: The Cradle of Knowledge Revisited (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016); C. C. Goren, M. Sarty, and P. Y. K. Wu, “Visual Following and Pattern Discrimination of Face-Like Stimuli by Newborn Infants,” Pediatrics 56 (1975): 544–549; A. Slater, “The Competent Infant: Innate Organization and Early Learning in Infant Visual Perception,” in Perceptual Development: Visual, Auditory, and Speech Perception in Infancy, ed. A. Slater (East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press Ltd., Publishers, 1998).


Arterberry and Kellman, Development of Perception in Infancy; I. W. R. Bushnell, F. Sai, and J. T. Mullin, “Neonatal Recognition of the Mother’s Face,” British Journal of Developmental Psychology 7 (1989): 3–15.


N. Kanwisher and G. Yovel, “The Fusiform Face Area: A Cortical Region Specialized for the Perception of Faces,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 1476 (2006): 2109–2128.


M. Bilalic et al., “Many Faces of Expertise: Fusiform Face Area in Chess Experts and Novices,” Journal of Neuroscience 31 (2011): 10206–10214.


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C. Turati et al., “Newborns’ Face Recognition: Role of Inner and Outer Facial Features,” Child Development 77 (2006): 297–311.


R. Adolphs et al., “A Mechanism for Impaired Fear Recognition After Amygdala Damage,” Nature 433 (2005): 68–72.


Hocken, Emma and I.


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A. L. Bregman, “Asking the ‘What For’ Question in Auditory Perception,” in Perceptual Organization, ed. M. Kubovy and J. R. Pomerantz (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum, 1981); K. Nakayama and S. Shimojo, “Toward a Neural Understanding of Visual Surface Representation,” The Brain, Cold Spring Harbor Symposium in Quantitative Biology 55 (1990): 911–924.


S. R. Barry, Fixing My Gaze: A Scientist’s Journey into Seeing in Three Dimensions (New York: Basic Books, 2009).


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M. E. Arteberry and P. J. Kellman, Development of Perception in Infancy: The Cradle of Knowledge Revisited (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016); M. Arterberry, A. Yonas, and A. S. Bensen, “Self-Produced Locomotion and the Development of Responsiveness to Linear Perspective and Texture Gradients,” Developmental Psychology 25 (1989): 976–982; M. Kavsek, A. Yonas, and C. E. Granrud, “Infants’ Sensitivity to Pictorial Depth Cues: A Review and Meta-analysis of Looking Studies,” Infant Behavior and Development 35 (2012): 109–128; A. Tsuruhara et al., “The Development of the Ability of Infants to Utilize Static Cues to Create and Access Representations of Object Shape,” Journal of Vision 10 (2010), doi:10.1167/10.12.2; A. Yonas and C. E. Granrud, “Infants’ Perception of Depth from Cast Shadows,”

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