Play for 1 human. My strangers life. DRAMA. COMEDY - Nikolay Lakutin Страница 3

Тут можно читать бесплатно Play for 1 human. My strangers life. DRAMA. COMEDY - Nikolay Lakutin. Жанр: Поэзия, Драматургия / Драматургия. Так же Вы можете читать полную версию (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте Knigogid (Книгогид) или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.

Play for 1 human. My strangers life. DRAMA. COMEDY - Nikolay Lakutin читать онлайн бесплатно

Play for 1 human. My strangers life. DRAMA. COMEDY - Nikolay Lakutin - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Nikolay Lakutin

to start from. But in this context, I don't want to talk about men. Now I'm going to talk about women. Men, you can take a NAP for now.

He walks across the stage, takes a deep breath, and creates a state of anticipation in the audience with careful, gentle glances.

ALEXANDER (to the audience, tenderly, warmly, with love, respect and honor): Woman… Oh, how grateful I am to heavenly father for making you like this… How much is given to us, men, to experience next to such a creature as a woman. And if these minutes, hours, years, or even lives do not bring us joy, it is only because we are not able to correctly accept Your bestowal.

Dear, dear, beloved women, I would like to give You today a piece of warmth, a piece of the respect and admiration that my heart has always burned for you.

I… would like to sincerely ask your forgiveness on behalf of all men. On behalf of all The men you've ever met. I am not going to ask your forgiveness for the meanness and insults that my brother once caused you. No, let everyone answer for this one. I want to apologize for something else. For the fact that none of us men are fully given an understanding of Your beautiful feminine essence. For the most part, we judge women superficially. Of course, the eye is our highest court and chief Prosecutor. What does he see besides shapes, clothes, and lips? Our eyes are focused on a rather narrow spectrum. We feel that there is something inside under the imprisonment of the human mind. And what is hidden under the female beauty, so it is difficult even to imagine, but rather scary. There is an immense force that can sweep away its wave in both directions. She knows how to create and destroy no less. This is the Canon of immeasurable power. Yes, it's a shame that the male immature essence is given this power to control. And sometimes it's up to us to decide which direction to channel the storm of passion.

Ah, women… How can I not love you? What turns of Your gestures. And I'm not talking about the body, but about actions, thoughts, and what's in the bowels.

And today, on behalf of the men, I want to apologize for our stupidity. Yes, if we knew who protects us, who keeps and spoils us sometimes. What a gentle hand life takes care of us. We would be very different creatures. We would live in Eden on Earth.

Dear, beloved, beautiful, charming women, I say thank You today. Thank you that you will not hear anywhere or from anyone! It's a little different, believe me.

Alexander descends from the stage and begins to distribute roses to women in a chaotic manner… Not just the first row.

In the process of distributing roses continues his speech, or rather reading poetry.

ALEXANDER (to the audience, tenderly, warmly, with love, respect and honor):

How can I describe in words what is beyond?

That the soul teases from the inside.

What kind of invisible edge

Touch the viewer's heart inside.

Especially when that viewer is a virgin.

Father's beautiful creation.

There is no room for gratitude here.,

We should delight You to no end.

You should be exalted as the mother of creation,

All that is left of the once man.

Men are stingy to the point of ecstasy,

Meanwhile, You are our daily talisman.

Forgive us, we didn't appreciate everything,

To see a part is given to us from everything.

And what they saw, they immediately ruined,

And we ourselves suffer from it.

I understand, a lot of grief was given,

The offense fed You sometimes,

And you meanwhile as, restrained sea,

You lead us like a wave.

Thank you for your patience and care,

For all the things we don't understand.

You are the books of wisdom! And we are on the binding,

We are used to sculpting them.

Pleasant soft music is playing.

Alexander distributes all the roses, makes his way to the stage, and after blowing everyone a kiss, enclosing it in a figurative heart.

The music stops.

The Director's annoyed voice is heard through the megaphone (a businesslike, not too positive voice in the recording): So, Sasha, in General it will go, the suit fits well, the flowers are in place, but what kind of poems? What does Geneva have to do with it? What is this mixed-style speech of the seventeenth and twentieth centuries? So! So, to bring everything to a common denominator, to give commonality and to revise the text. Tomorrow we will rehearse this episode in a different interpretation!

Alexander obediently listens to everything, instantly losing his charm, becoming "an ordinary gray man".

ALEXANDER (to the Director, obediently): Well, I'll review some episodes, try to fix all the flaws tomorrow.

Alexander leaves the stage in a drooping mood.


4 scene. FRIEND

Plays music in the style of chanson.

In a bandit cap, in an Olympic jacket, in a sporty style, with a swaggering gait with a bottle of beer in his hand, Alexander comes on stage a little haggard. The complete opposite of the image of the previous scene, it is desirable that people in the audience hardly recognize the same actor in it.

The music stops.

ALEXANDER (the viewer premedicine manner of communication): Yeah, we had a nice walk with root that night. I woke up recently.

He yawns, puts the bottle aside, puts his hands in his trousers, and sits down in a chair, leaning back to the maximum and stretching out his legs.

ALEXANDER (to the audience, in a pribandichennoy manner of communication): All the same, don't say anything, but a friend is a friend! This is the most important thing in a kid's life! There is no reliable real friend, consider you a nobody! Empty space. Because you are judged by your friends. An old saying, but true: "Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are."

I approached this issue carefully. My father has been telling me since I was a child: "Look, Sanek! Choose your friends so that they can always cover your ass at the right time." And I'll tell you, it's

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