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Дитя слова и музыки. Лирика. Эссе о стихах - Максим Бодэ читать онлайн бесплатно

Дитя слова и музыки. Лирика. Эссе о стихах - Максим Бодэ - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Максим Бодэ


Хоть этого не понимал я.

Любой вопрос-то

Я мог спросить,

Семья ответы знала.

Тело сменилось,

И я окреп,

Мне двадцать с жирным гаком.

Вытянул, вырос

На отчем добре

На радость всем однако.

Стрельнуло что-то

В моей голове,

И все не так, как раньше.

Свои заботы

Хочется мне

Решать наплечной башней.

Моря амбиций,

Мечты о деньгах,

«О подвигах, о славе».

Об стены биться

До боли в плечах

На собственном, на драйве.

А мысли, мысли,

Пробью, не пробью,

Что будет за злость, упорство?

Так дни уходили,

Так и идут,

А толку с бабкин наперсток.

Что дальше? Не знаю,

И вам не скажу,

Мне завтра увидеть не можно.

Ответы скрывают

Лицо в паранджу

И вроссыпь бегут суматошно.

Их не раскроют

Ни мать, ни отец,

Молчит, тихо ноя, сердце.

Не сдамся без бою,

Взъярюсь вконец!

Куда победам деться?

А сердце ноет,

Стены тесней,

И дальше ничуть не легче.

И ветер гонит:

«Чашу испей

До дальнего дна, человече».

7 декабря 2018

Стихи на английском

Moon You Know

перевод песни Alessandro Safina “Luna Tu”

Moon, you know,

There’s a lot of songs that from the earth up go

And I wish they through the times and sky up flew

Crossing miles and centuries to come to you.

For the dreaming poets who don’t ever write

You’re a silver beacon shining in the night,

Welcoming the heavy sighs of those in pain,

Giving them a dream to live and love again.

Moon, oh please now listen from the sky to me.

Moon, you know,

You have seen the times when Adam was a youth,

You can lead along the narrow path of truth,

Shed some light inside the beating heart of mine,

That’s a heart of a man who doesn’t know, don’t know

That love can fight

Pain with its everlasting light

Like a fire it

Burns our suffering souls at times.

Moon you know

You light up the sky and its immensity

And you often show us only half your light,

Being in the half-dark we create at night

Angels made of clay that cannot ever fly,

Souls of paper that in fire always die,

And the hearts of men are like the leaves that fall,

Dreams of air that flee away once and for all.

Children of the earth that’s who we are, you know.

And love can fight

Pain with its everlasting light

Like a fire it

Burns our suffering souls at times.

But it’s with love

Our hearts can fly so high above

It’s the power

That only truly moves and shines.

20 ноября 2020

Why Dear Girlfriend Is Offended

I love your eyebrows very much,

You're looking, baby, like a Gandalf.

Your nose is wonderfully arched,

And every eye is like a medal.

Oh, baby, it is nice to meet,

And in these almost perfect leggings,

Your legs with two unreal feet

Remind me strongly of B. Baggins.

You may think you're a gracious man

Who can say compliments, you're splendid,

But you will never understand

Why dear girlfriend is offended.

It's always difficult to weigh

What your old enemy is thinking,

It's just impossible to say

What in a stranger's head is spinning.

You may think you're a happy man

Who can do all of these, you're splendid,

But you will never understand

Your girlfriend if she is offended.

20, 21 мая 2013

My Philosophy

перевод песни Amel Bent “Ma Philosophie”

This is my philosophy:

Just accept me as I am,

And no matter what I’m told

I’ll be raising up my fist.

You want peace, prepare for war,

I’m no martyr anymore.

I walk with a cheerful heart

And I’m raising up my fist.

Raise your head, stick out your chest,

Multiply your strength and zest

When my choice is die or win,

I’m an ace that beats the king.

Though we differ, though persist,

And abuses are a list,

I’ll be strong enough to live

And be raising up my fist.

Reaching the moon!

I don’t fear of this.

It’s just a test,

I feel it with my heart,

And any sacrifice

That should be made I’ll make,

I’ve already made

And I’m raising up my fist.

I’m not such a girl you could

Gaze upon, imagine nude.

Yes, I have some rounded part

But to warm my lover’s heart.

From a poorest neighborhood,

But without shame I have stood.

Love is over misery.

Heart is over callousness.

26 марта 2017, 8 июля 2017


перевод романса А. Кусикова "Бубенцы"

Now my heart’s woken up tense and eager

I feel sad for the things I got through.

It is time for the flowing-maned horses

With the bells to take away me and you.

I hear bells coming here from the faraway

It’s a troika approaching, I know!

And the country is wide, and around the sleigh

There’s all white, only white sparkling snow.

Let the coachman sing slowly and dully

And the wind will join his melody.

What has passed will again never happen

To feel grief there’s no reason for me!

The ding-dong of the bells is in power

To bring alive many ghosts of the past

Make my Russian soul feel tense and eager,

Force my laziness go off at last!

6 ноября 2020

The Sacred War

перевод песни Александра Боде «Священная война»

Oh, rise enormous land of mine,

Oh, rise for a deathly fight

Against the German beastly kind,

The dark Teutonic might.

Let noble fury boil again

Like a wave upon the shore.

It's a war of each and every man

It's our sacred war.

We are like two opposing poles

That always lie apart

We fight for all the peaceful souls

They for the land of dark.

We'll fight back all torturers

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