Adam Makkai - Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц Страница 15
Adam Makkai - Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц читать онлайн бесплатно
[blackout]{n.} 1. The darkening of a city curing an air raid by pulling down all curtains and putting out all street lights. •/The city of London went through numerous blackouts during World War II./ 2. A cessation of news by the mass media. •/There was a total news blackout about the kidnapping of the prime minister./
[black out]{v.} 1. To darken by putting out or dimming lights, •/In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness./ •/In wartime, cities are blacked out to protect against bombing from planes./ 2. To prevent or silence information or communication; refuse to give out truthful news. •/In wartime, governments often black out all news or give out false news./ •/Dictators usually black out all criticism of the government./ •/Some big games are blacked out on television to people who live nearby./ 3. {informal} To lose consciousness; faint. •/It had been a hard and tiring day, and she suddenly blacked out./
[black sheep]{n.} A person in a family or a community considered unsatisfactory or disgraceful. •/My brother Ted is a high school dropout who joined a circus; he is the black sheep in our family./
[blame] See: TO BLAME.
[blank check]{n.} 1. A bank check written to a person who can then write in how much money he wants. •/John’s father sent him a blank check to pay his school bills./ 2. {informal} Permission to another person to do anything he decides to do. •/The teacher gave the pupils a blank check to plan the picnic./
[blanket] See: WET BLANKET.
[blast off]{v.} 1. To begin a rocket flight. •/The astronaut will blast off into orbit at six o’clock./ 2. Also [blast away] {informal} To scold or protest violently. •/The coach blasted off at the team for poor playing./
[blaze a trail]{v. phr.} 1. To cut marks in trees in order to guide other people along a path or trail, especially through a wilderness. •/Daniel Boone blazed a trail for other hunters to follow in Kentucky./ 2. To lead the way; make a discovery; start something new. •/Henry Ford blazed a trail in manufacturing automobiles./ •/The building of rockets blazed a trail to outer space./ See: TRAILBLAZER.
[bleep out] See: BLIP OUT.
[bless one’s heart]{v. phr.} To thank someone; consider one the cause of something good that has happened. •/Aunt Jane, bless her heart, left me half a million dollars!/
[blessing] See: MIXED BLESSING.
[blind] See: FLY BLIND.
[blind alley]{n.} 1. A narrow street that has only one entrance and no exit. •/The blind alley ended in a brick wall./ 2. A way of acting that leads to no good results. •/John did not take the job because it was a blind alley./ •/Tom thought of a way to do the algebra problem, but he found it was a blind alley./
[blind as a bat/beetle/mole/owl]{adj. phr.} Anyone who is blind or has difficulty in seeing; a person with very thick glasses. •/Without my glasses I am blind as a bat./
[blind date]{n.} An engagement or date arranged by friends for people who have not previously known one another. •/A blind date can be a huge success, or a big disappointment./
[blind leading the blind] One or more people who do not know or understand something trying to explain it to others who do not know or understand. •/Jimmy is trying to show Bill how to skate. The blind are leading the blind./
[blind spot]{n.} 1. A place on the road that a driver cannot see in the rearview mirror. •/I couldn’t see that truck behind me, Officer, because it was in my blind spot./ 2. A matter or topic a person refuses to discuss or accept. •/My uncle Ted has a real blind spot about religion./
[blink] See: ON THE BLINK.
[blip out] or [bleep out] {v. phr.}, {informal} To delete electronically a word on television or on radio either because it mentions the name of an established firm in a commercial or because it is a censored word not allowed for television audiences, resulting in a sound resembling the word "bleep." •/What was the old product they compared Spic-n-Span to? — I don’t know; they’ve bleeped it out./
[blitz] See: SAFETY BLITZ.
[blockhead]{n.}, {informal} An unusually dense, or stupid person whose head is therefore exaggeratedly compared to a solid block of wood. •/Joe is such a blockhead that he flunked every course as a freshman./
[blood and thunder]{n. phr.} The violence and bloodshed of stories that present fast action rather than understanding of character. •/Crime movies and westerns usually have lots of blood and thunder./ — Often used like an adjective. •/John likes to watch blood-and-thunder stories on television./
[blood freezes] See: BLOOD RUNS COLD.
[blood is thicker than water] Persons of the same family are closer to one another than to others; relatives are favored or chosen over outsiders. •/Mr. Jones hires his relatives to work in his store. Blood is thicker than water./
[blood runs cold] also [blood freezes] or [blood turns to ice] You are chilled or shivering from great fright or horror; you are terrified or horrified. — Usually used with a possessive. •/The horror movie made the children’s blood run cold./ •/Mary’s blood froze when she had to walk through the cemetery at night./ •/Oscar’s blood turned to ice when he saw the shadow pass by outside the window./ Compare: HAIR STAND ON END, THE CREEPS.
[blood turns to ice] See: BLOOD RUNS COLD.
[blot out]{v. phr.} 1. To obstruct; cover; obscure. •/The high-rise building in front of our apartment house blots out the view of the ocean./ 2. To wipe out of one’s memory. •/Jane can’t remember the details when she was attacked in the streets; she blotted it out of her memory./
[blow a fuse] or [blow a gasket] or [blow one’s top] or [blow one’s stack] {v. phr.}, {slang} To become extremely angry; express rage in hot words. •/When Mr. McCarthy’s son got married against his wishes, he blew a fuse./ •/When the umpire called Joe out at first, Joe blew his top and was sent to the showers./ Syn.: BLOW UP(1b), FLIP ONE’S LID, LOSE ONE’S TEMPER. Compare: BLOW OFF STEAM(2).
[blow great guns] See: GREAT GUNS.
[blow hot and cold]{v. phr.} To change your ways or likes often; be fickle or changeable. •/Tom blows hot and cold about coming out for the baseball team; he cannot decide./ •/Mary blew hot and cold about going to college; every day she changed her mind./ •/The boys will get tired of Ann’s blowing hot and cold./
[blow in]{v.}, {slang} To arrive unexpectedly or in a carefree way. •/The house was already full of guests when Bill blew in./ Compare SHOW UP(3).
[blow into]{v.}, {slang} To arrive at (a place) unexpectedly or in a carefree way. •/Bill blows into college at the last minute after every vacation./ •/Why Tom, when did you blow into town?/
[blow off steam] See: LET OFF STEAM.
[blow one’s brains out]{v. phr.} 1. To shoot yourself in the head. •/Mr. Jones lost all his wealth, so he blew his brains out./ 2. {slang} To work very hard; overwork yourself. •/The boys blew their brains out to get the stage ready for the play./ •/Mary is not one to blow her brains out./ Compare: BREAK ONE’S NECK.
[blow one’s cool]{v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To lose your composure or self-control. •/Whatever you say to the judge in court, make sure that you don’t blow your cool./
[blow one’s lines] or [fluff one’s lines] {v. phr.}, {informal} To forget the words you are supposed to speak while acting in a play. •/The noise backstage scared Mary and she blew her lines./
[blow one’s mind]{v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal}; {originally from the drug culture} 1. To become wildly enthusiastic over something as if understanding it for the first time in an entirely new light. •/Read Lyall Watson’s book "Supernature", it will simply blow your mind!/ 2. To lose one’s ability to function, as if due to an overdose of drugs, •/Joe is entirely incoherent — he seems to have blown his mind./ Contrast: BLOW ONE’S COOL.
[blow one’s own horn] or [toot one’s own horn] {v. phr.}, {slang} To praise yourself; call attention to your own skill, intelligence, or successes; boast. •/People get tired of a man who is always blowing his own horn./ •/A person who does things well does not have to toot his own horn; his abilities will be noticed by others./
[blow one’s top]{v. phr.} To become very excited, angry, hysterical, or furious. •/"No need to blow your top, Al," his wife said, "just because you lost a few dollars."/
[blow out]{v. phr.} 1. To cease to function; fail; explode (said of tires and fuses). •/The accident occurred when Jim’s tire blew out on the highway./ •/The new dishwasher blew out the fuses in the whole house./ 2. To extinguish. •/Jane blew out her birthday cake candles before offering pieces to the guests./
[blowout]{n.} 1. An explosion of a tire or a fuse. •/Jim’s van veered sharply to the right after his car had a blowout./ 2. A big party. •/After graduation from college, my son and his friends staged a huge blowout./
[blow over]{v.} To come to an end; pass away with little or no bad effects. •/The sky was black, as if a bad storm were coming, but it blew over and the sun came out./ •/They were bitter enemies for a while, but the quarrel blew over./ •/He was much criticized for the divorce, but it all blew over after a few years./
[blow taps]{v. phr.} To sound the final bugle call of the evening in a camp or military base. •/After taps is blown the boy scouts go to their bunks to sleep./
[blow the gaff]{v. phr.} To open one’s mouth to reveal a secret. •/When Al cheated on his wife, his younger brother blew the gaff on him./
[blow the lid off]{v. phr.}, {informal} Suddenly to reveal the truth about a matter that has been kept as a secret either by private persons or by some governmental agency. •/The clever journalists blew the lid off the Watergate cover-up./
[blow the whistle on]{v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To inform against; betray. •/The police caught one of the bank robbers, and he blew the whistle on two more./ 2. To act against, stop, or tell people the secrets of (crime or lawlessness). •/The mayor blew the whistle on gambling./ •/The police blew the whistle on hot reading./
[blow up]{v.} 1a. To break or destroy or to be destroyed by explosion. •/He blew up the plane by means of a concealed bomb./ •/The fireworks factory blew up when something went wrong in an electric switch./ 1b. {informal} To explode with anger or strong feeling; lose control of yourself. •/When Father bent the nail for the third time, he blew up./ Compare: BLOW A FUSE. 1c. To stop playing well in a game or contest, usually because you are in danger of losing or are tired; {especially}: To lose skill or control in pitching baseball. •/The champion blew up and lost the tennis match./ •/Our team was behind but the pitcher on the other team blew up and we got the winning runs./ 2. {informal} To be ruined as if by explosion; be ended suddenly. •/The whole scheme for a big party suddenly blew up./ 3a. To pump full of air; inflate. •/He blew his tires up at a filling station./ 3b. To make (something) seem bigger or important. •/It was a small thing to happen but the newspapers had blown it up until it seemed important./ 4. To bring on bad weather; also, to come on as bad weather. •/The wind had blown up a storm./ •/A storm had blown up./ 5. To copy in bigger form; enlarge. •/He blew up the snapshot to a larger size./
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