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Жизнь в средневековом замке - Фрэнсис Гис читать онлайн бесплатно

Жизнь в средневековом замке - Фрэнсис Гис - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Фрэнсис Гис

the Normans and Angevins, 1066–1272. London, 1937.

Douglas D. C. The Norman Achievement, 1050–1100. Berkeley, 1969.

Douglas D. C. William the Conqueror: the Norman Impact upon England. Berkeley, 1967.

Dutton R. The Châteaux of France. London, 1957.

Echaguë J. O. España: castillos y alcazares. Madrid, 1956.

Fedden H. R., Thomson J. Crusader Castles. London, 1957.

Formilli C. J. G. The Castles of Italy. London, 1933.

Hahn H. Hohenstaufenburgen in Süditalien. Ingelheim, Germany, 1961.

Harvey J. The Gothic World, 1100–1600. London, 1950.

Haskins Ch. H. The Normans in European History. New York, 1915.

Hollister C. W. The Military Organization of Norman England. Oxford, 1965.

Müller-Warner W. Castles of the Crusades. New York, 1966.

O’Neil B. H. St. J. Castles: an Introduction to the Castles of England and Wales. London, 1973.

Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy. 4 vols. London, 1858.

Peers Ch. Pevensey Castle. London, 1953.

Perks J. C. Chepstow Castle. London, 1962.

Piper O. Abriss der Burgenkunde. Leipzig, 1914.

Renn D. F. Norman Castles. London and New York, 1968.

Renn D. F. Three Shell Keeps. London, 1969.

Sanders I. J. English Baronies, a Study of Their Origin and Descent, 1086–1327. Oxford, 1960.

Schmidt R. Burgen des Deutschen Mittelalter. Munich, 1957.

Stenton F. The First Century of English Feudalism. Oxford, 1961.

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Ingram. London, 1923.

Thompson A. H. Military Architecture in England During the Middle Ages. London, 1912.

Tomkeieff O. G. Life in Norman England. New York, 1967.

Toy S. A History of Fortification from 3000 B.C. to A.D. 1700. London, 1955.

Toy S. The Castles of Great Britain. London, 1953.

Tuulse A. Castles of the Western World. London, 1958.

William of Malmesbury. Historia novella. London, 1955.

Глава II. Владелец замка

Bloch M. Feudal Society. 2 vols. Chicago, 1964.

Bloch M. Seigneurie française et manoir anglaise. Paris, 1960.

Boutruche R. Seigneurie et féodalité. 2 vols. Paris, 1970.

Cam H. M. Liberties and Communities in Medieval England. Cambridge, England, 1944.

Cronne H. A. The Reign of Stephen, 1135–1154. Anarchy in England. London, 1970.

* Davis H. W. C. England Under the Normans and Angevins[10].

* Douglas D. C. The Norman Achievement.

* Douglas D. C. William the Conqueror.

Galbert of Bruges. The Murder of Charles the Good, Count of Flanders. New York, 1967.

Ganshof F. L. Feudalism. New York, 1964.

* Hollister C. W. The Military Organization of Norman England.

Keeton G. W. The Norman Conquest and the Common Law. London, 1966.

L’Histoire de Guillaume Maréchal, comte de Striguil et de Pembroke, régent d’Angleterre de 1216 à 1219. Paris, 1891–1901.

Morris W. A. The Medieval English Sheriff to 1300. Manchester, England, 1927.

Norgate K. The Minority of Henry III. London, 1912.

Painter S. Feudalism and Liberty. Baltimore, 1961.

Painter S. Studies in the History of the English Feudal Barony. Baltimore, 1943.

Painter S. William Marshal, Knight Errant, Baron and Regent of England. Baltimore, 1933.

Paris M. English History from the Year 1235 to 1273. London, 1854.

* Perks J. C. Chepstow Castle.

Powicke F. M. King Henry III and the Lord Edward. 2 vols. Oxford, 1947.

Round J. H. Feudal England. London, 1895.

* Sanders I. J. English Baronies.

Stenton D. M. English Society in the Early Middle Ages (1066–1307). Harmondsworth, England, 1951.

* Stenton F. The First Century of English Feudalism.

Strayer J. R. Feudalism. Princeton, 1965.

The Cambridge Economic History of Europe. vol. I. The Agrarian Life of the Middle Ages, second edition, ed. M. M. Postan. Cambridge, England, 1966.

Wilkinson B. Studies in the Constitutional History of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Manchester, England, 1952.

Глава III. Замок как жилище

* Braun H. The English Castle.

Building Accounts of Henry III. Oxford, 1971.

Labarge M. W. A Baronial Household of the Thirteenth Century. New York, 1966.

* Paris M. English History.

Parker J. H., Turner T. H. Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England. Oxford, 1877.

* Perks J. C. Chepstow Castle.

* Tomkeieff O. G. Life in Norman England.

* Toy S. The Castles of Great Britain.

Walter of Henley’s Husbandry, Together with an Anonymous Husbandry, Seneschaucie, and Robert Grosseteste’s Rules. London, 1890.

White L. Jr. Technology Assessment from the Stance of a Medieval Historian // American Historical Review, 1974.

Wood M. E. The English Mediaeval House. London, 1965.

Wright L. Clean and Decent. London, 1960.

Глава IV. Госпожа

Albertus Magnus. Opera Omnia. Vol. XII. Quaestiones super de Animalibus. Aschendorff, 1955.

Andreas Capellanus. The Art of Courtly Love. New York, 1941.

Aucassin and Nicolette and Other Medieval Romances and Legends. New York, 1958.

Beard Mary. Women as a Force in History. New York, 1946.

Benton J. Clio and Venus: An Historical View of Medieval Love. The Meaning of Courtly Love. Albany, 1968.

Benton J. The Court of Champagne as a Literary Center. Speculum, 1961.

Chivalry, A Series of Studies to Illustrate Its Historical Significance and Civilizing Influence. London, 1928.

Creekmore H. Lyrics of the Middle Ages. New York, 1959.

Gautier L. Chivalry. Dunning. London, 1959.

Gesta Stephani: the Deeds of Stephen. London, 1955.

Howard G. E. A History of Matrimonial Institutions. Chicago, 1904.

* Labarge M. W. A Baronial Household.

Langlois Ch.-V. La Vie en France au moyen âge de la fin du XII’ au milieu du XIV’ siècle d’après des moralistes du temps. Paris, 1925.

Le Lai du Lecheoir. Romania, 1879.

Le Roman du castelain de Couci et de la dame de Fayel, ed. John E. Matzke and Maurice Delbouille. Paris, 1936.

* Painter S. Feudalism and Liberty.

Painter S. French Chivalry. Ithaca, N.Y., 1962.

* Paris M. English History.

Power E. The Position of Women // Legacy of the Middle Ages. Oxford, 1926.

Renart J. Galeran de Bretagne. Paris, 1925.

Renart J. L’Escoufle, ed. Joseph Bédier. Paris, 1913.

Royal and Other Historical Letters Illustrative of the Reign of Henry III. Vol. I. 1216–1235. London, 1862.

Stenton D. M. The English Woman in History. London,1959.

The Book of the Knight of La Tour-Landry, Compiled for the Instruction of His Daughters. London, 1868.


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