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Жизнь в средневековом замке - Фрэнсис Гис читать онлайн бесплатно

Жизнь в средневековом замке - Фрэнсис Гис - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Фрэнсис Гис

Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond. New York, 1966.

Vitry J. de. Exempla, or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones Vulgares. London, 1890.

Глава V. Обитатели замка

Account of the Expenses of John of Brabant and Henry and Thomas of Lancaster, 1292 // Camden Miscellany. London, 1853.

A Roll of the Household Expenses of Richard de Swinfield. London, 1853.

Baldwin J. F. The Household Administration of Henry Lacy and Thomas of Lancaster // English Historical Review, 1927.

Boyer M. N. Medieval Pivoted Axles // Technology and Culture, 1960.

Boyer M. N. Mediaeval Suspended Carriages // Speculum, 1959.

Constitutio Domus Regis (Establishment of the Royal Household) // The Course of the Exchequer by Richard, son of Nigel. London and New York, 1950.

Giuseppi M. S. The Wardrobe and Household Accounts of Bogo de Clare, 1284–1286 // Archaelogica, 1920.

Hennings M. A. England Under Henry III, Illustrated from Contemporary Sources. London, 1924.

* Labarge M. W. A Baronial Household.

Manners and Household Expenses of England in the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. London, 1841.

Mannyng R. Handlyng Synne, and William of Wadington’s Manuel des Pechiez. London, 1901–1903.

Ochinsky D. Medieval Treatises on Estate Management // Economic History Review, 1956.

* Painter S. William Marshal.

* Paris M. English History.

Richardson H. G. Business Training in Medieval Oxford // American Historical Review, 1941.

Round J. H. Castle Watchmen // English Historical Review, 1920.

Round J. H. The Staff of a Castle in the Twelfth Century // English Historical Review, 1920.

* Stenton D. M. English Society in the Early Middle Ages.

* Tomkeieff O. G. Life in Norman England.

Tout T. F. Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England. Vols. I, II. Manchester, England, 1920.

* Walter of Henley’s Husbandry.

Глава VI. День в замке

Bateson M. Medieval England, 1066–1350. London, 1905.

* Account of the Expenses of John of Brabant.

Coulton G. G. Life in the Middle Ages. Vol. III. Cambridge, England. 1928–1929.

Fairholt E. W. Satirical Songs and Poems on Costume. London, 1899.

* Gautier L. Chivalry.

* Giuseppi M. S. The Wardrobe and Household Accounts of Bogo de Clare.

Hazlitt W. C. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. London, 1902.

* Hennings M. A. England Under Henry III.

Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis. London, 1913.

* Labarge M. W. A Baronial Household.

* Mannyng R. Handlyng Synne.

New Oxford History of Music. Vol. II. Early Medieval Music up to 1300. London, 1954.

* Paris M. English History.

* Renart J. L’Escoufle.

Renouard Y. Le Grand Commerce des vins de Gascogne au moyen âge // Revue historique, 1959.

* Roman du castelain de Couci.

Salzman L. F. English Life in the Middle Ages. London, 1926.

Tannahill R. Food in History. New York, 1973.

The Babees’ Book. London, 1923.

The Goodman of Paris. London, 1928.

* Tomkeieff O. G. Life in Norman England.

* Walter of Henley’s Husbandry.

* Wood M. E. The English Mediaeval House.

* Wright L. Clean and Decent.

Глава VII. Охота как образ жизни

* Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. London, 1854.

* Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond.

* Constitutio Domus Regis.

Edward, Second Duke of York. The Master of Game. London, 1909.

Foix G. de la. Le Livre de la chasse. Paris, 1886.

Frederick II, Emperor of Germany. The Art of Falconry. Stanford, 1961.

* Hennings M. A. England Under Henry III.

Hilton R. H. A Medieval Society: the West Midlands at the End of the Thirteenth Century. London, 1966.

* Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis.

* Labarge M. W. A Baronial Household.

La Chace dou Serf. Paris, 1840

* Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical History.

* Painter S. William Marshal.

* Paris M. English History.

* Perks J. C. Chepstow Castle.

Prou M. La Fôret en Angleterre et en France // Journal des savants, 1915.

* Tomkeieff O. G. Life in Norman England.

Trench Ch. Ch. The Poacher and the Squire, a History of Poaching and Game Preservation in England. London, 1967.

Select Pleas of the Forest. London, 1900.

* Stenton D. M. English Society in the Early Middle Ages.

Глава VIII. Деревенские

Ault W. O. Some Early Village By-Laws // English Historical Review, 1930.

Ault W. O. The Self-Directing Activities of Village Communities in Medieval England. Boston, 1952.

Bennett H. S. Life on the English Manor. Cambridge, England, 1960.

Bloch M. Champs et villages // Annales d’histoire économique et sociale, 1934.

* Bloch M. Feudal Society.

* Bloch M. Seigneurie française et manoir anglaise.

Bloch M. Village et seigneurie // Annales d’histoire économique et sociale, 1937.

* Boutruche R. Seigneurie et féodalité.

* Cam H. M. Liberties and Communities in Medieval England.

* Cambridge Economic History of Europe. Vol. I.

Coulton G. G. Medieval Village, Manor and Monastery. New York, 1960.

Duby G. Rural Economy and Country Life in the Medieval West. Columbia, S.C., 1968.

* Ganshof F. L. Feudalism.

Gasquet F. A. Parish Life in Medieval England. London, 1922.

Gras N. S. B. The Economic and Social History of an English Village, 909–1928. Cambridge, Mass., 1930.

Harvey P. D. A. A Medieval Oxfordshire Village, Cuxham, 1240 to 1400. Oxford, 1964.

Hilton R. H. Decline of Serfdom in Medieval England. London, 1969.

* Hilton R. H. A Medieval Society.

Homans G. C. English Villagers of the Thirteenth Century. New York, 1960.

Homans G. C. The Rural Sociology of Medieval England // Past and Present, 1953.

* Keeton G. W. The Norman Conquest and the Common Law.

Langland W. Piers the Ploughman. London, 1959.

Lennard R. Rural England, 1086–1135. Oxford, 1959.

Levett A. E. Studies in Manorial History. Oxford, 1938.

Owst G. R. Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England. Oxford, 1961.

Postan M. M. Essays on Medieval Agriculture and General Problems of the Medieval Economy. Cambridge, England, 1973.

Postan M. M. The Medieval Economy and Society. An Economic History of Britain, 1100–1300. Berkeley, 1972.

Seebohm F. The English Village Community. London, 1890.

* Stenton D. M. English Society in the Early Middle

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